Hi Everyone!

We have some exciting news about our Wellness program. We have teamed up with South Reno Athletic Club to provide a discounted membership rate for all ILG/USG/CDI employees!!!

Mon-Fri. 5am - 10pm

Sat-Sun. 8am - 8pm

9393 Gateway Drive

Reno, NV 89521


We have negotiated a reduced rate of $35 per month for SouthRac membership. The company will pay $25 per month per employee further reducing the employee’s cost to $10 per month. The employee’s portion (including family memberships) must be deducted through payroll deduction to obtain the discount.

Employee responsibility/Cost:

• Employee - $10 per month

• Family Members - $35 per month per family member (family member must meet SouthRac’s eligibility)

• Employee and family members must comply with all SouthRac rules and regulations.

For more information about SouthRac please visit their website.

To get started, please see HR for appropriate information. You must have our employee verification form to join at the discounted rate.

Please let me know if you have any questions


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