Once again, I am in the right place at the right time to witness a celestial marvel, one of the best reality shows in the universe - the total lunar eclipse of 2019 of a Super Blood Wolf Moon. I won't even attempt to explain any of those terms. There are plenty of science pages you can visit that will explain the whys and wherefores.
The polar vortex has split into three which means bitter cold air has descended upon most of the country. We have had blustery winds for the past two days with an off and on cold miserable drizzle of rain. No snow has graced us yet but that's okay. Luckily, the winds blew away the last of the clouds to allow me, my two children, and the dog (I don't think Ms Pickles really appreciated the eclipse) to witness an absolutely beautiful wintry night sky. My son came out saying he and his girlfriend saw a shooting star. It was so clear that even the city lights weren't able to spoil our view and the stars were bountiful.
I am not built for cold weather. When filling out forms or applications that question your ethnicity, I tick off Asian Pacific Islander. In order for me to prevent my blood from turning into the equivalent viscosity of engine oil that's overdue for replacement, I must dress in multiple layers of no less than three. Donned in a long down equivalent coat on top of a thick sweatshirt on top of another long sleeve shirt on top of a tank top with long leggings and black waterproof / windproof ski pants, ski boots, convertible gloves / mittens that allow my fingertips access to camera controls, my trusty North Face touk, and a neck gaiter, I was ready to brave the elements. The wind chill brought the temps down to single digits and that's, to put it simply, crazy cold for our coastal city.
I laid down on the deck fiddling with camera settings. I texted my children updates on the moon's status urging them to come see it. Eventually, my daughter came out to join me and quite like a typical teenager, was inadequately dressed. She ran back in and grabbed a coat. I ran back in and grabbed two blankets to cover her. Ms Pickles not one to miss out on the fun wanted out too. I ran back in to grab her pink winter jacket that she absolutely hates, her portable dog bed, and blanket. She sat grumpily with her jacket on in her bed covered with her blanket glaring at us in the dark wondering why in the world were we outside!
Lunar eclipses are quite different than solar eclipses. For one, they take longer to achieve totality. It's great for photography. One has time to adjust settings to get the money shots. Solar eclipse totalities lasts for only a few minutes. Lunar eclipses are also less spectacular. Admittedly, going from day to night during a solar eclipse is more dramatic but a lunar eclipse allows you to sit quietly to marvel upon the night sky. Solar eclipses are the rock stars of the universe's regular concerts. Lunar eclipses are the mellow jazz singers. Watch and listen to the rhythm of the stars. Pay close attention to the song of universe.
After the night show had worn on my teenagers' short attention span, I laid on my back gazing up and watched the moon slowly darken and turn into a hazy orange red. My fingers were tingling. My toes were numb. A photo taken here and there to capture a view that won't occur for another two years. I hope I'll be around to see the next one. But if not, I can at least say I saw the full lunar eclipse of the Super Blood Wolf Moon of 2019.
"For my part I know nothing with any certainty but the sight of the stars makes me dream." - Vincent Van Gogh.
This is my starry night. Stars so abundant it makes one wonder simply... why?
© 2019 Grace Protzman Photography