Charles Wicksteed inventor of the best thing ever

1. Playground slides are entertainment constructions often placed in recreational areas or residential backyards, as well as amusement parks.

2. Playground slides are also known as slides, slippery dips and slippery slides.

3. Playground slides are often a slippery, flat or partially curved strip of material, with barriers on the left and right, either perpendicular or sloped.

4. Playground slides are used by people, typically children, by them climbing up a ladder or set of stairs to reach the top of the slide, sitting on their backside at the top; and pushing themselves forward so that they are propelled down the slide’s strip.

5. Playground slides are commonly curved in some form, often around a structure, while some are completely enclosed, and they come in a variety of colors.

A smooth, usually inclined surface of track for sliding

Charles was born in Shrewsbury

Charles Wicksteed's first appointment as a minister was to the so-called Ancient Chapel at Toxteth

He married Jane, and a few years later his sister Elizabeth married Jane's brother Arthur

Charles and Jane had nine children

Eventually retiring for a second and final time to Croydon, where he died on 19 April 1885


Created with images by Kapa65 - "playground slide tower" • steve p2008 - "slide"


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