Muscular Project victoria wilkes

Name, Origin & Insertion of Muscle

The Sternocleidomastoid originates from the broad upper part of the sternum, and the clavicle/collarbone. It attaches to the mastoid process, a large, bony prominence on the base of the skull behind the ear, containing air spaces that connect with the middle ear cavity. The insertion of the SCM is the mastoid part of the temporal bone which is the back of the temporal bone.


Location & attachment

The sternocleidomastoid is located at the side of the neck that looks like a strap. The muscle runs through the back of the ear to the collarbone as well as the sternum/breastbone. The muscle attaches at the back of the temporal bone and at the clavicle. It also attaches with the sternal and navicular head.


Function & when you use it

The main function of the SCM is to move the vertebral column, helps flexes the neck and with movement of the head. Also, the muscle works with the scalene muscles in the neck during forced inspiration while breathing (inhaling), and it raises the sternum, the bone at the front of the rib cage. You use this muscle on the daily basis.

Since the muscle is in the neck it helps contribute to the movement of your head and neck being able to bend forward, backwards, and sideways. It also helps stabilizes your head when you tilt your chin up. It can even assist with swallowing and chewing.

Sternocleidomastoid Syndrome is the dysfunction for the muscle. Often its symptoms are similar to those of pharyngitis, so the diagnosis can sometimes be incorrect. Dysfunction of the SCM can result in head and face pain, nausea, dizziness, coryza (producing the nasal symptoms of a cold), and lacrimation (eyes tearing up).

Top 5 facts

  1. Another major injury of this muscle is whiplash in car accidents.
  2. Asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia can cause pain in the sternocleidomastoid.
  3. The SCM muscle should be examined anytime you have pain in the head or neck area. Often when trigger points are released and the muscle is softened and relaxed, you will find that the pain is considerably reduced or eliminated.
  4. If dizziness, nauseous, loss of balance and falling are present and have eluded diagnoses, the clavicular branch of the SCM should be examined for trigger points. Trigger points in the clavicular branch of the SCM can cause problems with balance, vision, and hearing.
  5. Other organ systems affected by this muscle are the Respiratory System; Eyes, Ears, Throat, Nasal Sinuses.

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