
Class 4 Spring 2



To kickstart our new geography topic ‘Africa’ we shared our holiday photos and discussed where the places were in the world. Did we visit somewhere in England or did we visit another country? We then discussed how we travelled there. Was it by bus, train, car, plane or boat?

We also enjoyed looking at the photos of Jacob’s grandad when he visited Africa to help a school in Nairobi.

We located the four countries of the UK and identified the capital cities. We then went on a trip around the world and visited all 7 continents. We used an atlas to locate and label these and find out some interesting facts about them.

We then boarded an aeroplane and flew to Africa!

We crossed the continents and oceans and found out that Africa is the hottest continent because it is so close to the equator.

We described and compared the physical and human features of Kenya and Barnsley.


We even had the opportunity to visit Yorkshire Wildlife Park and see some real African animals. We found out lots of interesting facts.


Our trip linked in nicely with our science topic, animals.

We named common animals including fish, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. We also identified animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Giraffes are herbivores because they only eat plants. We are omnivores because we eat meat and vegetables.

We then looked at animals body parts and discussed their specific purposes. Some animals have wings to fly, some have fins to help them swim and some have horns for protection.

Snails have shells to protect their soft bodies.

In science week we looked at growing.

We discussed growth and what helps us grow physically and mentally. We then looked at different plants and spoke about what they need to grow. We then planted our own seeds.


Twisted Tale

Our first literacy unit this term was a fairy tale with a twist. We received a letter from the big bad wolf asking for our help. He explained that he was misunderstood rather than bad. However, we didn’t know if he could be trusted as the news reader explained that he was up to his old tricks once again. We listened to both sides of the story and wrote our own twisted tale. We thought carefully about the features of a fairytale and added our own twist. We applied the skills taught in class such as selecting exciting adjectives, adverbs, including subordination and ensuring we used the correct tense.

Take a look at some of our super stories

Non-chronological report

After visiting the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, children were eager to find out more information on the animals they saw. Therefore, when we returned to school, we looked at some information books and did some research on the internet. This included looking at non-chronological reports on various animals.

We identified that most information books contained a glossary. We enjoyed finding some new challenging vocabulary.

We worked in groups to identify more features of a non-chronological report.

We then looked at adjectives and sorted these into appearance, habitat and behaviour.

We highlighted technical vocabulary.

We then matched this vocabulary to the definition creating our own glossary.

We worked in pairs to identify the root words and the suffix. We then applied some of these words in our writing.


In maths we have been focusing on our number formation. Some of us still need some practice with this.

We then looked at measure including mass and capacity.

We compared amounts using key mathematical vocabulary.

We looked at money, identifying coins and notes and exploring ways to make different values.

We solved problems related to money.

We then revisited addition and subtraction. Some of us did this using equipment, some of us did this pictorially and some of us used the column method. We even learnt how to exchange.

We identified the key information in number problems.

We worked independently using flip learning.

Religious Education

Our new topic was significant people of faith. We spoke about people who are special in our lives and the lives of Christians.

We generated some questions to ask Father Tim about his role in the community.

We then looked at different religions and the people who are significant for different faiths.

We discussed the significance of Buddha and how we could be kind and helpful to animals like Siddhartha in the Buddhism swan story. We showed kindness by making bird feeders to put in our playground.

We have also shown our kindness in other ways.

We showed our support for the people of Ukraine by wearing yellow and blue.

Thank you for the donations.

We tied ribbons onto the school railings to create the Ukraine flag.


We kicked off coding week by using ScratchJr to use instructions to program a character.


This term we have been learning gymnastics.

After Easter we will be learning how to play cricket and rounders.


This term we have been looking at rules. Discussing what rules we have and why they need to be followed.

Next term we will be looking at economic well-being including money and jobs.

Summer Term 1


In literacy we will be writing a letter and an explanation text.


In maths we will continue to consolidate our learning and fill in any gaps. We will be revisiting 2D and 3D shapes and time.


Next term we will look at how faith contributes to community cohesion. This will include beliefs, ethics, family traditions and faith in the community.


Next term is all about art. This will include painting, sketching, printing and photography.


We will learn more about plants, identifying and naming plants and describing its structure.

We hope you have a well deserved rest, lovely family time and a very happy Easter

See you soon Class 4


Created with images by congerdesign - "daisies heart flowers" • maciej326 - "globus earth world" • negahuk - "tree nature landscape" • HowardWilks - "giraffe animal mammal" • derwiki - "disney castle travel" • raincarnation40 - "wolf predator hunter" • Nel_Botha-NZ - "tree giraffes fields" • _Alicja_ - "numbers counting numbers education" • Alexas_Fotos - "sports gymnastics frog" • castleguard - "easter easter bunny egg"