
Coat of Love Photostory Emma Rojas '18 & Bri zeiberg '19

Remi Leviit '21 showed us around her room where she says she draws most of her inspiration from for her blog.

Multiple plants are displayed throughout the room because she believes they bring life to the area.

Levitt has her own stationary on her desk which are used to take notes, write thank you letters and to-do lists.

Lots of detailed pieces such has this mirror are placed around the room. Levitt says she built the wall decoration herself after being inspired by a post she saw online. She also adds that paring wood and metals together are one of her favorite combinations.

Levitt originally wanted a swing in her room but he mom said no so the swing chair was the next best thing. She says it's wonderful place to unwind and relax at the end of the day.

Tags: Video, Humans of Staples, Blog, Lifestyle, Remi Levitt


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