After taking the analysis test of my personality, I got the INTJ characteristic. People that are INTJ are self confident, mostly due to their expertise in several areas. They are not trying to be cocky, but they know a lot and are willing to help others if necessary. They are also perfectionists. If they are interested in something, they will not quit until it is the best that it can be. When working in a group, an INTJ may often get mad at others if they are not pulling their own weight.
INTJ people care deeply for a select number of people, but otherwise are not very good at developing personal relationships. It is hard for an INTJ to know a lot about social situations, and they can be awkward in some circumstances. The INTJ just wishes that people would make sense, just like everything else. Any relationships made with an INTJ are stable and dependable, because the INTJ is constantly working and trying to improve in the relationship. A person with these characteristics is simply trying their best to support and understand those that they care about.
The opposite of INTJ is ESFP. The ESFP group is very sociable. They love going to parties and having fun with friends and family all of the time. ESFP also love entertaining and being the center of attention. They jump from thought to thought in the middle of a sentence rather than keeping discussion focused and straightforward.
ESFP also love new things. They are very good storytellers because they love to talk about anything and everything. ESFP especially like to talk about people to other people. The favorite hobby of an ESFP is talking. They can answer a simple question with a very long response, and they are able to discuss just about anything for extended periods of time.