Portfolio Alex Luszczek - hair & style

model: Agata Drywa | photo: Bartosz Klimasinski feliz.pl | stylist (1-7) Kat de Lux | make-up (1-3): Studio Adria | make-up (4-11): Agwer | clothes (8-11): Aryton Szczecin Jagiellonska
model: @ElizabethVampireLady | photo: Bartosz Klimasinski feliz.pl
Reenactment photos
photo: Bartosz Klimasinski @ fb.com/war.frame.poland | model: Michalina Dziel | stylization: Iza Rosinska & Wojciech Dzietczyk - SRH Monte Cassino
Fashion & fine art nude
model: Agata Gintowt | photo: Bartosz Klimasinski feliz.pl | make-up: Aleksandra Rusinek
Publication in magazine
photo: Edyta Bartkiewcz | make-up: Marta Malinska | model (1-2): Milena Majewska/NEXT Milano | model (4-6): Marta Sedzicka (Top Model TVN) | model(8): Martyna/HOOK models
photo: Bartosz Klimasinski feliz.pl | make-up (5-9): Marta Malinska | model (5-9): Kasja Najda
Created By
Alex Łuszczek

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