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Developing the skills needed to succeed at University Top tips for Extended Projects

The AQA exam board advises that Extended Project students are required to:

  • Choose an area of interest and draft their project title and aims.
  • Plan, research and carry out their project.
  • Keep a production log of all stages of the project production, reviewing and evaluating their progress.
  • Complete the project product.
  • Prepare and deliver a presentation.
  • Review the outcome of their project and presentation.

Studying the Extended Project Qualification will help you develop a range of study skills, including:

  • Time management skills
  • Carrying out research
  • Writing project reports
  • Referencing sources
  • Presentation skills
  • Review and reflective

Time management skills

Check out the following online guides and resources to help you with time management and planning:

Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done.

Shorter version of Tim's TED Talk - Video duration 2:55

Longer version of Tim's TED Talk - Video duration 14:04

Screenshot of Time Management Guide and Tutorial

Carrying out research

Search Smarter, Search Faster created by The University of Sydney. With the aid of dinosaurs this learning tool will help you identify the key concepts from a given research topic, and show you how to construct an effective search strategy. Video duration 6:53

Screenshot of Searching for Literature - an introduction

Where to search for research

Tip - In the Refine your results section tick the box for Open Access in order to get full-text papers.

Screenshot of Open Access items only tick box

The Learning Hub and Succeed@Tees provide online guides and workshops designed to help you become more effective students and learners. They provide useful information, tips and practical exercises to help you develop the skills you need to get the most from your studies and your student experience.

Referencing sources

Check out the following online guides and resources to help you with referencing:

Screenshot of the Adobe presentation - An introduction to Referencing and how to use References in your studies

Review and reflective

Feedback and reflection are both vitals part of the learning process. Check out the following online guides and resources to help you with self-reflection and using feedback effectively:
