From 29th to 31st March 2021, Aga Khan University Examination Board organized a series of a webinar titled as "ACE THROUGH CHALLENGING TIMES" in morning and evening slots in which all the faculty members of Habib Public High School participated. The learning agenda was to enable teachers' to enhance students' higher-order thinking skills, implement syllabus effectively in the classrooms and also to create valid MCQ assessments to improve students' performance in their academics. Overall, the session was a reflection of the key features of AKU-EB's syllabus in which participants developed their critical thinking and analytical skills. They also learnt, understood, and identified multiple techniques related to the rationalized syllabus.
On Thursday, 18th March 2021, another oath-taking ceremony took place for the newly elected sports council members in which deserving students were bestowed with responsibilities. During the ceremony, the principal of Habib Public High School awarded ties and congratulated each individual after which they took an oath. She guided them about the significance of physical activities which immensely impacts their academic performance too. In the end, she concluded her address by mentioning that the students should now lead from the front with their commitment, confidence, and competence in every phase of their life.
To honor womanhood and to raise awareness about the status, dignity, and importance of women, students of Habib Public High School celebrated International Women's Day on Monday, 8th March 2021.
Throughout the day students participated in multiple activities which included customized hand-made colorful cards for the women they love, cherish, and admire. They also wrote, recorded, and shared meaningful messages which showed admiration and appreciation towards the women around them. Habibian Yahya of XI Science-B also wrote a poem to express his views and respect for women in general. Moreover, students also made different resolutions to bring a difference in society. Overall, this day provided an opportunity to bring happiness, entertainment and also taught them about the importance of gender equality for a healthy society.
Habib Public School organized its first Virtual Graduation Ceremony for the class of 2020 on Sunday, 7th March 2021 at 4:00 pm this year due to the impact of COVID-19. This virtual graduation ceremony was the very first of its kind in Pakistan which was translated into sign language for differently abled people. Moreover, to value our national language Urdu transcript was also used in order to spread Habib School’s vision and mission to the larger communities. This virtual ceremony gave a chance to every student of that batch to celebrate this milestone with family and friends at home. In conclusion, this online graduation ceremony served as a punctuation point of our student's academic experience with immense memories which they will cherish forever.
A student-led meeting is a parent-teacher meeting in which child is not only present, but in charge of explaining his progress, reflecting on accomplishments, and setting short and long-term goals. The philosophy and purpose includes to empower, reflect and to hold students accountable for their academic and behavioral choices. It also allows students, teachers and parents to be better informed about students' strengths, areas of development, behaviors, and learning styles. Therefore, the faculty of HPHS arranged the SLM on Saturday, 6th March 2021 which served as an opportunity to evaluate and accelerate every individual's holistic performance.
On 2nd and 3rd March 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon an Online Intellectual Marathon 2021 was conducted by The Agha Khan University for the Pre-Medical students of Habib Public High School in which students were guided about programs, scholarships, facilities, and admission procedures. The session benefited the students in preparing them for professional lives and also enabled them to strengthen their critical thinking skills to improve their performance in college.
English and Urdu language learning shouldn’t only be about grammar and vocabulary or deciphering the meaning of a new text. Playing a language learning game can provide a friendly competitive environment which can also help in keeping up their level of energy and motivation in class. In the same pursuant, under English faculty’s supervision, students of class XI & XII were engaged in playing a game from Learn English British Council which helped them in increasing their vocabulary to the maximum level. Also, students of XI were engaged in Urdu fun learning activities with the help of Quizizz.com.
In recognition of the remarkable academic achievements of students, Habib University conducted it's 8th Annual Meritorious Awards Ceremony 2021 virtually in which students of Habib Public School were rewarded for their strenuous efforts towards studies. The ceremony highlighted multiple high achievers of the college section for their relentless efforts. The ceremony concluded where all outstanding students were congratulated on their accomplishments and they were also wished safety, prosperity and excellence in all aspects of their lives.
On Wednesday, 17th February 2021, faculty of Habib Public High School visited Ghulaman-e-Abbas School to assist and educate individuals about the facilities and education offered by HPHS. The purpose was also to better communicate and coordinate with the school in order to guide them about admission process.
Student activities are an integral part of the school program and the purpose of these activities is to provide opportunities for students to be involved in the life of the school which will help them to grow into well-rounded adults. Following it, the School's Leadership Team and faculty in collaboration with the sports staff resumed sports and also initiated to arrange a fun day from Thursday, 10th February 2021 onwards, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
As it was observed that students needed a change. So, twice a week they are now supervised by a panel of talented coaches who appreciate them and give them suggestions to further improvise their spirits and passion for sports. To develop other skills, they are exposed to an extensive competitive environment also. Overall, XI and XII students also participate in different activities which includes English theatre, E-sports tournament, Indoor games, Minute to Minute games, Talent Hunt, and Urdu travelogues. In conclusion, these activities serves as an energizer for the student body and provide them with an opportunity to enjoy everything in a fun and safe way while following all Covid-19 SOPs.
Habib Public School has always strived to empower learners and motivate them to work to the best of their abilities. In the same pursuant, on Wednesday, 3rd February 2021 at 12:30 p.m. our respected principal, Mrs. Shehzad gathered the students of high school and emphasized the importance of good communication skills, time management, and discipline in life. She concluded by saying that the school faculty is always available to provide unconditional support to every student.
One of the prominent features that makes Habib Public school stand out from others is its Morning Assembly. HPS Morning Assembly is its legacy that has no comparison.
The main intention of the school assembly is to develop a feeling of unity among all the students and teacher and to develop a sense of identity in the school.
HPS- morning Assembly gives an insight of experiential moments which includes National Anthem with a stupendous Brass Band, Recitation of holy verses, HPS- Pledge, Physical Exercise and a unique parade by the HPS-cadet corps.
So let's be mesmerized by some glimpses of HPS Morning Assembly
To upgrade the standard of students' learning, Habib Public High School as usual conducted Mid-Year and Pre-Mock examinations in the month of January and March respectively which acted as an important step required to boost the practice of learning among students. These summative assessments provided an additional understanding to them about their learning and also an opportunity to be aware of the gaps in their learning and work on it accordingly.
Patty O'Grady, an expert in neuroscience, emotional learning, reports that “kindness changes the brain by the experience of kindness. Children and adolescents do not learn kindness by only thinking about it and talking about it. Kindness is best learned by feeling it so that they can reproduce it." Therefore, students of XI gifted a few things to the domestic staff of the college section to promote the practice of gratitude under their class mentor's supervision.
To express solidarity, unimpeded moral and diplomatic support to the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir in their heroic struggle for their inalienable right to self-determination, students of Habib Public High School on Friday, 5th February 2021 observed Kashmir Solidarity Day in which Habibians of XI and XII pondered on the significance of freedom which must be considered as one of the most important natural rights of each individual.
The RLD Hub Habib Public School organised a Virtual CCPL workshop about "Plagiarism" on Saturday, January 16-2021 for the teachers of its all sections.
It was our honour to have Jennifer Johnson as a guest speaker who discussed distinct paradigms of plagiarism in Education.
The workshop itself was very much engaging, fascinating and illuminating. Everyone enjoyed and learnt the different ways how teachers can keep a check on the plagiarized work of their students.
Here are some glimpses of the event.
Special thanks to Ms Jennifer Johnson once again.
Habib Public School's RLD Hub team constantly strives to ensure the professional development and well-being of its faculty members. In the same pursuant, a Digital Learning Capacity Building – DLCB – IV session was organized in collaboration with the HPS-ICT team on Saturday, January 30, 2021, which included a series of learning opportunities.
The day started with the Principal's encouraging session in which she focused on the education today and the teachers' role in it. She further appreciated and acknowledged the teacher's continuous efforts in the field of education and referred to them as 'front line' workers during this pandemic. Also, another session by an eminent and inspirational speaker Mr. Fahad Ahmed was conducted titled “Peoples’ First”. Later on, the session was taken over by the talented HPS- ICT team in which, Tech-Ease features were discussed followed by multiple breakout sessions on Flipgrid, Twitter for education, Padlet, PowToon, Podcast, and Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations. Overall, the day reflected teachers' continuous professional development to attain levels of excellence.
he auspicious occasion of the father of the nation Quaid-e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was celebrated virtually by the Middle Section at Habib Public school with great glory and fervour on 24th December 2020.
The young Habibians paid homage to the great leader who inspired millions through his leadership skills and achieved a goal that seemed impossible with his tireless efforts.
Our tiny yet, super energetic and multi-talented Habibians showcased the best of their attributes to lighten up the event. They delivered speeches, recited poems, and messages of Quaid-e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to rekindle the souls of the audience. The live musical performances of students made the event even more heart-warming.
Possessing such versatility and skilful approach, our students once again proved that they always stand out!
The industrious attempt of the educators and their dedication was also visible through such fine performances. It was an astounding and amazing program. Young and multi-talented Habibians showed magnificent performances, paid tribute to our great Quaid and their suave was beyond description. Last but not least, with their silver tongue oratory skills they nailed it.