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Reading: Beyond Fluency "Books aren't just made of words...they're also filled with places to visit and people to meet." Author unknown

At Moorlands Primary reading is at the heart of our curriculum. It is our intention that every child will be a reader. From the start of their journey with us children are supported to develop a love of reading. They are exposed to high quality texts and through a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics, they are provided with the skills they need to decode confidently.

Every child in Year 2 to Year 6 experiences regular reading sessions that focuses on developing understanding and comprehension. We want pupils to become expert readers capable of making complex comparisons between authors and understanding language choices. Our planned lessons focus heavily on exposing pupils to challenging vocabulary.

Our process of choosing the books we teach in each year group is not random. We consider what we are teaching in reading to be every bit as important as how we are teaching reading. Each class book is designed to capture the interests of the children and helps sequence the way we introduce knowledge in other curriculum areas.

Developing a love of Reading

Developing a love of reading is vital. We have a high quality library which is well stocked with both fiction and non- fiction texts. All classes are provided with weekly time to explore the library.

In addition we place a great deal of importance on story time. This takes place each day and we choose a variety of books designed to foster curiosity and interest. Within each year group collection we always introduce children to one 'classic' author and identify at least one text which is designed to develop cultural capital.
