What is Hydrochloric Acid? By: woo bin Cha
What is Hydrochloric Acid? Hydrochloric is a very strong Acid. It is mainly used for disinfect the pools, but the chemical is very strong, so if you touch it, your cell of skin can dissolve by the chemical. The PH level of Hydrochloric acid is 1. Hydrochloric can dissolve anythings. Hydrochloric acid is mainly used for pool water because it lowers the pH in the pool water. But still it is very harmful to humans.

Hydrochloric acid is made by dissolving hydrogen chloride in water. To make Hydrochloric acid there are lot of steps to create the Hydrochloric Acid. To form Hydrochloric acid it needs water and hydrogen chloride. Scientifically, Hydrogen chloride formed by the combination of chlorine (Cl 2) gas and hydrogen (H 2) gas. Hydrogen chloride generated by many different ways. And you can see at the bottom, it tells you the steps to create Hydrochloric acid.

Types of uses: First, Hydrochloric acid is necessary to lower the pH in the pool. Second, Hydrochloric acid can be used to cleaning the salts. Also Sometimes, the progress of inorganic compounds for water can require hydrochloric acid. Third, Hydrochloric acid is used in to allow oil well acidizing in production of North Sea oil. Last, The food industry use hydrochloric acid in the processing of various additives. These are things that need Hydrochloric acid.

"Hydrochloric Acid and Swimming Pools." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 04 June 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/209888-hydrochloric-acid-and-swimming-pools/>.
"Pool Pro Swimming Pool Supplies, Products, Cleaners, Supplies, Pumps, Maintenance." PoolPro. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <https://www.poolpro.com.au/pool-and-spa-tips/36-how-do-i-use-hydrochloric-acid>.
"Industrial Uses of Hydrochloric Acid & Storage Concerns." Industrial Uses of Hydrochloric Acid & Storage Concerns. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. <http://blog.polyprocessing.com/blog/industrial-uses-of-hydrochloric-acid-storage-concerns>.