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SJSU Early Assessment Program Fall 2022 Updates

Happy Fall & Welcome Back!

My name is Faby Rangel-Camacho, the Academic Preparation Initiatives Specialist for the Early Assessment Program (EAP) at San Jose State University (SJSU). I extend a warm welcome back to all our high school, internal, and external partners engaging with EAP's Updates & Newsletter. The EAP has a couple of new updates to share before the end of the year. I am excited to continue our outreach efforts and school site visits to speak to your students in-person or virtually.

Please note that EAP updates and newsletters will be sent twice per academic semester with updates related to our program, EAP workshops, professional development opportunities, college course placement, college admissions, etc.

What's in this edition?

  • Introduction: Faby Rangel-Camacho
  • Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) Workshops
  • Multiple Measures Criteria Overview
  • Important Reminders to Students
  • Schedule a presentation for Spring 2023

Introduction: Faby Rangel-Camacho

Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) 3.0 Online Workshops

ERWC 3.0 Online Workshops for Spring 2023

San José State University and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have set the dates for our CSU Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) professional development workshop series. If you are new or have not taught ERWC 3.0 this is the workshop series for you! This introductory workshop series requires the completion of four CANVAS modules, each an estimate of 14 hours of asynchronous learning. Online ERWC workshops are intended for teachers or coaches who would like to use the ERWC curriculum to teach or support a full course or separate modules in grades 9-12 California public schools. The online ERWC workshop series provides the following:

  • Full-year ELA courses at grade 11 and grade 12
  • Curriculum modules with integrated and designated ELD at grades 9-12

The online workshop series is four weeks scheduled over several months, although the exact length may vary by region. Asynchronous participation via Canvas is required to earn ERWC 3.0 certification. Participants must complete 80% of activities in order to earn EWRC certification.

Note: Though each module is intended for one week. Participants can work at their own pace as new modules become available after activities in the previous module have been completed. Facilitators will be responding to messages and will be available for virtual on demand one-on-one consultations.

Online Workshops Dates:

  • Learning Focus 1 = February 6 - February 13, 6 hours of asynchronous learning
  • Learning Focus 2 = March 6 - March 13, 6 hours of asynchronous learning
  • Learning Focus 3 = April 17 - April 24, 6 hours of asynchronous learning
  • Learning Focus 4 = May 1 - May 8, 6 hours of asynchronous learning

Registration link will be available soon, please fill out the form below to receive additional information about ERWC 3.0 online workshop series for Spring 2023!

Additional ERWC Information: Visit CSU ERWC Online Community website for more information.

Multiple Measures Criteria Overview

The CSU system uses multiple measures to determine whether incoming students will enroll in general education mathematics or written communication courses with support. These measures include standardized test scores, overall high school GPA, mathematics GPA, accumulated semesters of mathematics and English and some senior year coursework in mathematics and English.

Standardized tests are no longer used in the CSU admission process but may be used to assist in first-year course placement. Submitting test scores is optional but encouraged!

Important Update

The EAP team understands that due to COVID-19 disruptions, standardized test results such as CAASPP/EAP, ACT, SAT, or AP results may not be available. If students do not have test results, the CSU campuses will use high school grade point average (GPA), high school math GPA, and high school and college coursework to evaluate a student's placement in GE English and math/quantitative reasoning courses. However, please encourage students with test results to submit them for the purpose of placement evaluation.

Important Reminders to Students

  • For Class of 2023: The CSU application deadline for Fall 2023 was November 30, 2022! However, some CSU campuses are still accepting applications through Cal State ApplyClick here to see what CSU campuses are still accepting Fall 2023 Freshman applications.
  • For Class of 2024: Senior year is approaching quickly! It is important for juniors to start planning their senior year courses; understand CSU multiple measures; plan to take the SAT, ACT, and/or CAASPP; and explore majors and different colleges.
  • For Class of 2025 & Class of 2026: Sophomores and Freshman should plan to understand A-G college requirements; explore different post-secondary pathways; plan to understand different college admissions eligibility; and receive information on how to academically prepare for college.

Schedule a Presentation for Spring 2023

SJSU EAP designs presentations to give students, families, and educators the opportunity to learn about the CSU's math and writing course placement process and how students should best prepare for general education courses once they join at the CSU. Below I have shared some presentation topics done in the past:

  • 12th Grade - Seniors: CSU Admissions Overview, CSU's Early Assessment Program, Next Steps, Multiple Measures Criteria Overview, Early Start Program Enrollment, etc.
  • 11th Grade - Juniors: CSU Early Assessment Program, The Importance of the CAASPP Exam, Multiple Measures Criteria Overview, Making the Most Out High School, College Admissions Eligibility Requirements, Understanding Majors, Exploring Post-secondary Options After High School, etc.
  • 10th Grade & 9th Grade - Sophomores & Freshman: CSU Early Assessment Program, Understanding Different College Admissions Eligibility, A-G College Eligibility, Preparing for Junior and Senior Year Next Steps, Preparing for College Level Courses, etc.
  • Middle College students: CSU Early Assessment Program, The Importance of the CAASPP Exam, Multiple Measures Criteria Overview, SJSU Articulation with College Credit, etc.
  • Admitted CSU Students: Identifying Math/Writing Enrollment Categories, Early Start Program Enrollment, Next Steps, etc.
  • Parents/Guardians/Families: CSU Early Assessment Program, Understanding a California State University, Post-Secondary Options, Preparing Your Student for College Level Course Work, College Admissions Requirements, etc. **(I am happy to conduct any parent/guardian presentation in the Spanish language.)
  • Staff Presentations: CSU Early Assessment Program, CSU Chancellor's Office Updates, Professional Development Opportunities, EWRC 3.0 Workshop Information, Counselor Conference Information, etc.

Please note that I am happy to tailor our presentation information to any group and time constraint. I am also open to conducting presentations in-person or virtual!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Feel free to share this newsletter with your colleagues and school site staff!


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