Jupiter By:Sydney Ryan

What is it like to be on Jupiter?-Jupiter is -145 degrees celcius, but the core of it is 24000 degrees celcius which is hotter than the surface of the sun. It has a very powerful magnetic field which is the strongest magnetic field in the solar system.

Are there any living things there?-There is no life on Jupiter and no living things.

What is Jupiter made of?-Jupiter is made of hydrogen gas, helium gas, and thick red, brown, yellow, and white clouds.

Is there water or food? Why or why not?-There are small amounts of water on Jupiter from the water vapour on cloud tops.

How far away is Jupiter from the sun?-Jupiter is 741 million km and 4.95 astronomical units from the sun.

FUN FACTS: 1-It is named after the king of ancient Roman gods. 2-Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. 3-More than 1300 Earths could fit inside of Jupiter. 4-It has the most amount of moons in the solar system. 5-It is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system. 6-Jupiter has 3 thin rings and 67 moons.

By:Sydney Ryan

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