Thomas Hobbes (England) 1588-1679 phAtma Mreiziq
Hobbes ideas
Thomas Hobbes shared his ideas and work in Leviathan in this book he described how the humans were selfish and wicked during the civil war. He also believe that soon.. " war.......of every man against every man". To stop this "solitary, poor, nasty, Brutish" life like Thomas said he believed in giving power to the right person, in this he created the Social contrast. In this people gave up there rights in exchange for a higher person power to be in charge. This was his main concern the optical and social order.
Impact on society
Thomas Hobbes had an impact on society that many people still today try or understand. His impact was that the government was an absolute monarchy, he turned the old idea into the new idea. The old idea in this time period of 1651 (very later in his life) was that the Monarchs rule was justified by the Devine right. The Devine right is was that God chose the monarch. Hobbes new idea that affected society was that a governers power come from the consent of the governed.
Traditional beliefs
Hobbes traditional beliefs effected his impact on society because they helped establish new laws and ideas. Thomas Hobbes believed in self preservation and everyone's first instinct, with this he made people want to have freedom and rights to what they do. He was not a very family based man of had any specific traditions but he did know what was better for the community. In his career he established the law of nature which was freedom to do anything.
Quote of wisdom
"Curiosity is the list of the mind"
This quote means that learning and knowledge is the desire to the brain and that the brain wants to learn and explore. This relates to Hobbes I believe because the curiosity of having a leader is what he wanted. With doing this he must have to have an negotiation with the he people of the society. So he did and that was to give up there rights too have a higher person in power to be in charge.