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Alumni & Career Services FY2021 Annual Highlights

I am extremely grateful to the Alumni & Career Services team, partners in Advancement, faculty and staff across campus, as well as students, alumni, and employers, who made this year a success, amidst many obstacles!

While student engagement overall was down due to mitigating factors, such as employers hosting their own information sessions (making it impossible for us to track attendance), partners canceling their programs (e.g., orientation, study abroad), and elevated stress among students - the full array of programs and services were delivered. Special topics were also offered which spoke to the unique internship/job-hunting needs in a virtual environment and a down economy. By the end of the academic year, Career Services still realized 87-114% of their goals for individual school population reach, with 89% overall. Frequent email campaigns, intensive social media engagement, online resource enhancements, and partnership programming across our two teams, all yielded positive results. We still can report that nearly 100% of the Class of 2021 had used Career Services over their four years and that student engagement, through personalized career advising, remained steady this past year.

Amazingly, the team was also able to pivot quickly and offer a full array of programs virtually, including career fairs, interviews, road trips, and deconstructing sessions. New programs were added, such as a career exploration themed week during winter break (with 13,000 open emails and 7,000 people reached through social media), employer and alumni social media takeovers, Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers virtual road trips, and internship-focused group advising sessions. We were also pleased to see 2021 UR Summer Fellowship numbers rival our 2019 application and experience levels, and were grateful that a portion could engage in virtual internships last summer.

The Career Advising team not only acted as career guides this past year, but also as supportive mentors for many students, as well as alumni. Career support service to alumni increased 2.5 fold due to the increased need in this economy and virtual platform capabilities. Likewise, the Employer Relations team extended much consultation effort to alumni and employers in helping them determine their recruiting strategies, reaching nearly 100% of their FY21 goal for engagement.

The Alumni Relations team 'hit it out of the park,' in providing almost daily services to alumni on a wide variety of interesting topics ranging from academic to cooking to current events. This yielded 257 virtual events and 3,349 unique alumni registrants, which met registrant base goals (without large scale events, such as Reunion and Homecoming.) Alumni volunteer engagement was way up to over 135% of goal and we were able to engage over 1,000 alumni who hadn't engaged in over a decade.

In a year when collaboration was key, our team was able to work across campus to support school event offerings and participate in high impact practices (HIP) and collaborations (exceeding our HIP goal by 200.) This does not include all of our participation in individual faculty senate and general education meetings. One other significant outcome is that career concepts, foundations, and resources will now be introduced to every student taking the new Wellness 100 this coming year. More to come.

Outside alliances were important as well, including those with ChamberRVA/RVANOW, our professional associations, and three other key groups which helped inform our efforts this past year. The first, included over 17 peer school colleagues who we met with frequently throughout the year. Second, our Alumni Relations worked closely with the University of Richmond's Alumni Association (URAA) alumni board of directors. URAA meetings were extensive and valuable, including one session with several members of the Board of Trustees. We appreciate the leadership this past year provided by David Lyons, 2020-2021 President of the URAA. Third, our Career Services Advisory Council members offered insights into recruiting strategies past, present, and future.

Lastly, and of most importance to highlight, was the perseverance and engagement of all our students and alumni, who inspired and reminded us of the value of what we do.

Denise Dwight Smith, Assistant Vice President

Our mission is to educate and connect students and alumni for meaningful careers, enriched lives, and long-term Spider success and legacy.

2,140 Unique Students Served

From exploring to interviewing, we help students through all stages of career development. We saw 99.6% of the Class of 2021 throughout their time at the University, as well as serving 67% of the total undergraduate student population just this year. Below we break down how and who we served by class year, school, race and ethnicity.

Our engagement is the result of active, voluntary student participation in our services, including over 100+ programs, 3400+ advising appointments, and 1300+ student and employer recruitment interactions.

By Class

By School

Our numbers this year were drastically effected by the challenges brought on by the pandemic. One example would be that we were unable to track student participation for a majority of our recruiting events, as the employers held them virtually vs. on-campus.

By Race and Ethnicity

Our career advisors received a lot of praise for their work (see below example,) with 100% of respondents to our Career Advising Effectiveness Survey noting that their session was helpful in accomplishing their goals.

“Thank you so much for all of the help you have given me the past few years in finding a career (and life!) path that is right for me. I am so appreciative that you are always there for support, even during the hard times we've been having in the pandemic.”

Student Outcomes

UR Summer Fellowships

In Summer 2021, we had 563 total participants in UR Summer Fellowships at organizations such as: U.S. Department of State, Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, Richmond Flying Squirrels, Harvard Lab of Developmental Studies, Nature Conservancy, Quirk Gallery, Startup Virginia, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Minnesota Department of Human Rights, and Richmond Magazine.

First Destination Survey

For the Class of 2021, our knowledge rate at graduation was 55% with a first destination rate of 74%. 50% of the students were employed, 21% continuing their education, and 25% still seeking. You can see how that compares with previous years below, as well as a sample of the hiring organizations and graduate schools. We will continue to collect data from the Class of 2021 through December.

For the Class of 2020, our knowledge rate six-months-out was 76% with a first destination rate of 92%. 69% of the alumni were employed, 16% continuing their education, and 7% still seeking.

Our response rate took a hit in 2020, but we are working hard to get it back on track this year and it is already much closer to the pre-pandemic rate.

993 Total Employer Connections

Our employer strategy has always been to build strong relationships and provide industry-leading service. During the pandemic, more than ever, we leaned on our relationships, especially those with our faithful alumni, to ask that they provide support to our students.

Below are a few highlights from our programs involving employers and alumni that benefited students:

Professional Development Programs

Each of the three undergraduate schools at the University of Richmond, in collaboration with our office, offers a unique professional development experience: A&S NEXT, Jepson Edge, and Q-Camp. These programs allow students to explore career possibilities, develop meaningful connections with alumni, build critical skills for future success, and practice articulating their personal story to key audiences.

Virtual Road Trips

This year, our signature Spider Road Trips were virtual due to travel regulations. However, by removing the cost and location barriers to students, we had a spike in attendance and we hope to continue to incorporate remote options in the future. Below is a shoutout from a student who participated in one of the trips:

“I just want to thank everyone in {Career Services} for putting this experience together for us. This program completely surpassed all of my expectations and I am so grateful that I was given this platform to listen and engage with all the Richmond alumni at each of these respective top investment banks. Thank you so much!

Deconstructing Series and Industry Panels

We executed many small- and large-scale virtual events this year and were even able to engage alumni/employers we hadn’t been able to before due to location (including a scientist who joined us from her lab in Seattle.) One of our most complex programs is our Deconstructing Series which teaches students about the major functional areas and career paths within an industry and involves breakout and networking sessions. Through this series, as well as our other industry panels, we were able to engage alumni/employers in accounting, consulting, finance, nonprofit, marketing, science, health, and more. See sample organizations above.

3,522 Alumni Engaged

Despite Homecoming, in-person Reunion, and our regional programming being cancelled, we were able to engage 3,522 alumni this year through our suite of innovative virtual programming - 100% of our FY21 goal, including 1,000 alumni who hadn't engaged in over a decade. This includes 241 new grads (Class of 2020) and 1,253 young grads (<10-years-out.)

Throughout the year, our team hosted over 200+ virtual programs (see example above), including concerts, workouts, demos, and more, as well as a virtual Reunion, in which we engaged 440 alumni through virtual campus tours, chats with the Deans, and even a night of trivia - there was something for everyone! We also hosted several class specific parties for alumni in Reunion classes who wanted to catch up in smaller groups.


The success we've had this year would not have been possible without our strong collaboration with key partners, such as parents, faculty, and staff.

This year we engaged nearly 1500 parents (242% of our goal) and nearly 1000 faculty and staff members (199% of our goal.)

Below is a quote from a faculty member who participated in one of our programs, spotlighting our collaboration, as well showcasing how it can lead to further opportunities.

“It was great to work with students from different areas. It was also fun to meet so many of our alumni who are doing cool things. I've already reached out to one to also come speak to a class!”

Awards and Accolades

Alumni & Career Services received many awards and accolades this year we'd like to spotlight.

2017 - 2022 Strategic Plan Goals

Below is an overview of our goals from our current strategic plan. At the end of the upcoming academic year, we will review all of the incredible progress we have made towards these goals and highlight our accomplishments - stay tuned.

First-Year Experience/Early Engagement and Exploration

Create a strong foundation for first year students through early career services engagement. Increase awareness of career services and provide opportunities for goal-setting, reflection, and skill development.

Experiential Learning

Offer a collection of high-impact, high-quality experiential learning opportunities that aid in career decision-making and networking and to ensure equitable access to experiential learning opportunities for all students.

Employer Relations

Expand and add partnerships with recruiters, alumni and parents to generate a broader spectrum of employment and experiential learning opportunities for students and alumni.

Enhanced Alumni Engagement

Grow and enhance engagement opportunities connecting alumni to one another and the university, inspiring them to serve as active stakeholders in the Spider legacy.

Stewardship/Effective Use of Resources

Improve, maintain, and ensure efficiencies of our physical space uses, technology, human and financial resources.