Amy Carmichael #28 By: sarah engle

Amy's childhood

When Amy was younger she was called "chief fun lover" and "mischief maker". She also wished for brown eyes, but God answered no because He knew the plans for Amy in the future.

Amy's teen years

Amy's mother and father wanted her to get a good education, so they sent Amy to boarding The school.

Amys life in Japan

When Amy was a young women, she became a missionary to serve God, so she went to Japan to do so.

Amy's first years in India

Amy came to India. When she was in India she came to hear a speaker named Mr. Walker, after that Amy became a part of Mr. Walkers ministry. Mr. Walker became like an older brother to Amy.

Amy's ministry in the villages.

Amy went to different villages telling about God to women and children some of them said we are not suppose to talk about are religion.


Arulai was a girl who prayed to a god about her temper. After that she became a Christian. Her dad lit a Bon fire and said if you believe in Christ you become part of this Bon fire.

The beginning of Dohnvur

Amy started a ministry fo women and children called the Dohnavur ministry, which grew and grew over the years. She taught children also.

Ministry at Dohnavur

Amy needed a place for the women and children in her ministry to stay, so the built a building in the mountains.

Amy's homecoming

Amy fell and was to stay in bed. Her last years on earth were spent writing books on people she had met and things she had done. Amy past in her sleep on January 18, 1951.

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