A Very Charlotte Christmas Story 2015

This is the one cold day in Bama
Charlotte did the Montgomery Christmas Tour
This is the life.
I am glad my parents are having a better time than me.
Iwent to every tee lighting within. 50 mile radius.
Imet celebrities...maybe when I know who he is I will be impressed.
I met the gov and he asked me if I was old enough to vote....loser.....but then I met HIM....you know.....the big guy.
I am not a fan.
Still not thrilled .
Then I met Uncle Santa
Okay, Hanta is not so bad. This one has a red beard like Daddy.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
I can do this.
Mary Christmas, MaMa
Okay....you would think that was all . . . But no!
"I don't know Maw Maw, my schedule is filling up."
Oh I am beat!
But I am always up for a party!
As long as Cheerwine is involved.
But I really just want to PAY with my toys.
But I am ready for 2016!

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