We met in the US Navy, 1995... I proposed... She said, "Yes".
August 10, 1996 United Full Gospel Revival Center, Chesapeake, VA.

We were married on August 10, 1996.

"To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved , that's everything." - T. Tollis

Black - White... It doesn't matter. It's not that love sees no color, we see each other's race.... It just doesn't matter. Black, white, tan, red, yellow... Love is love and there is no replacement for love.

"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you for even more." - Angelita Lim
Christmas, 2015

Over the years The Lord has been gracious to us, blessing us with 9 children.

Roger & his girls 2015
Shimika & her boys

First there was Ezekiel

Ezekiel, Sam, Roger

Then there was Sam

Family picture, 2005

Then there was. Roger

Family picture 2008

Then there were Olivia & Ariella

Olivia & Ariella

Then there were Nate - Destin - Raphael

The "crew", Nate, Destin & Raphael

Last (for now) was Judeae.... "Pretty Girl"

We have been blessed. Yes, it's work. yes, sometimes it's aggravating...

Parenting is work

But all in all, we wouldn't change it for anything in the world....

Children are a blessing!!
The old west
The crew
Easter 2015
Virginia Zoo, Norfolk, VA 2014
Our boys
Our girls

That's our family... Cappuccino

Coffee flavored mixed it's cream, flavored with cinnamon....

Just the way we like it.
Created By
Roger Carrothers

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