Partnering with KSG Works!

Connected, respected, hard working & honest. We are people working with people, take a chance at getting to knows us, building a relationship and we will deliver the right talent at the right price in a short amount of time.
We work together as a team, we understand it takes a group of great people doing great things to create great results. Recognizing that creating a fun and competitive culture breeds results!

Our Recruiting Teams are Trustworthy, Transparent, Dedicated and overall great people. At KSG we value our team members and take care of them. We have lifers, winners, and the most connected teams in KC!

What KSG Offers....

Flexible Fees & Rates

Oversized Recruiting Teams

Tenured Recruiters

100% IT Focused

Immediate Allocation of Recruiting Power

Great People Working Hard and Having Fun Doing It!

Matt Ogren - KSG Account Manager

Contact me at any time!! - 913-972-5139

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