Texas A&M University

Located in College Station, Texas

10 majors offered at Texas A&am are...

- Accounting

- Business Administration and Management

- Chemistry

- Entreprenuership

- Liberal Arts and Humanities

- Psychology

- Agriculture Business

- Finance

- Communications

- Animal Sciences and Husbandry

These are the sports offered at Texas A&M University.

The student life at Texas A&M is expanding everyday.

There are many options to participate in. There are national and local fraternities and sororities. There is fish camp, student government, and Memorial Student Center

Students live in dorms on campus or live in on campus homes. There are coed, men only, and women only dorms.

71% of students are admitted to Texas A&M.

The annual cost at Texas A&M is 18,536. (Tuition, fees, books, room/board)

81% of students receive financial aid.

The average SAT score at Texas A&M is 1080-1310

Total enrollment- 61,263

51% men 49% women

66% White, 21% Hispanic, 5% Asian, 3% African American, 2% international, 3% multiracial.

Established 1876

Mascot is a dog (reveille)

The budget for education was $4.2 billion

Offers online degrees

Done more than 90,223 hours of community service

90+ clubs and associations

Created By
Ryan Smith

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