
Week 4/5

Over the last 2 weeks, in science, we have started our new topic- Living things and their habitats. We started off by recapping some year 1 knowledge and looking at some weird close up pictures of animals..

We talked about what living, no longer living and never living meant. We went outside to look for things we could put into these categories.

We then sorted some pictures and had to identify if they were living, non living or never alive and say how we knew thinking of MRS GREN life processes.

We also have started matching animals to their habitats

In maths we have started out new area of learning all around measuring. We had great fun measuring lines in cm after Mrs Finlay drew lines on our tables….sssshhhh don’t tell anyone

In English we looked at some adventure story writing and highlighted things we liked and would like to try and use in our own writing. We finished writing our adventure stories too!

In art we have been adding some backgrounds to our prints. We had to think about colour matching and a good technique to paint accurately. We decided using a small brush to outline followed by a larger brush to fill was the best method

We also had some paint fun making our Mother’s Day cards last week too.

We also wrote a poem to tell our Mam’s how much we love them

We had a strange music session this week as Mrs Butler is off with COVID so we went old school and had a zoom music lesson. It was really fun, we had to listen to music and think about what animal it reminded us of and draw. We had to see if we were right

In PSHE we were looking at reasons to eat healthily, get a good amount of sleep and exercise and we made some posters to share our findings.

We also had a visit from cornerstones who helped us make some jellyfish so if we were felling stressed, worried, anxious we could blow on the tentacles to help us feel better.

We have also started our new mantle, we are helping set up a new zoo in Edinburgh and have to go and choose some animals from a sanctuary in Nairobi. Our first task was to find out where these places are in the world…

Inspired from our class reader, some of the children have been making tropical islands in the sand area. Nim’s island is set somewhere in the middle of the sea and had a volcano on it that has started to erupt… take a look at our volcano

Finally after a false start to summer we ended last week with some fun in the snow. We had a great time making some very small snowmen but I think we’ve had enough of that and we’re ready for some sun now ☀️

Well done to Nnenna on being our star of the week ⭐️