COASTLINES Suncoast Center Employee Newsletter

The Wellness Committee

Charmaine Newsome

Dielands Cokeley

Denise Miller

Jessica Futoran

Caroln Lenz

Julio Burgos

Bruce Wesolowski

Nisrin Dweik

Susan Collier

Bart Downs - 5 years

TFS Annual Appreciation Meeting

80's Revisited!

Winners of the Trivia contests

Music - Team "Thrill Seekers "

General - Courtney Hendrickson

Charisse Griffin 5 years

Bari Pomper 10 years

Congratulations on your promotion!

Dustin Sode - Accounting Manager

Upcoming Trainings and Events

August 4 - "What are you doing for lunch" Event 12:00 Room 218, 4024 Central Ave

August 11 - CPR and First Aid Training, Room 307 58th Street 8am. Registration on myLearning point

August 16 - True Colors Workshop 4024 Central Board room 1pm. Registration on myLearningPoint

August 16, 17, 18. - New Employee Orientation

August 25 - "What are you doing for lunch" Event 12:00 58th Street Room 307

September 30 - 7:30 am Success Breakfast

September 30 - 11am to 12:30, Substance Exposure Training. Roosevelt Conference Room.

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