The first man has a brain injury from falling in a factory. The second has leukemia because he did not get the proper protection. The third is subject to slowly becoming crippled. people working to make I phones in Chinese factory.
The factory owners portray themselves as generous in images and videos. They have complete control.
Paragraph about Pictures:
The pictures I have chosen are meant to represent the harsh environments of Chinese factories and Britain during the industrial revolution, as well as comparing them. I found a picture that depicted heavy pollution in China, specifically the water quality. I believe that this image strongly conveys the effect factories have on air and water quality and the overall impact of having tons of factories in a small amount of space. These conditions will cause bad health to the workers on top of the way they are being treated in the workplace. I also found an image of a young boy sweeping inside of a running mill. I believe this photo is very representative of the dangers of working in these factories. On top of this it is also a child working in these conditions which shows how these factory children grew up to become crippled. Lastly I found a picture of Chinese workers in the homes they are given. It is a crowded space that separated people by curtains. This means that sickness could easily be spread and if these people get sick, they will all be fired.
Paragraph about five adjectives:
The five adjectives I chose are meant to not only display the problems with factories but the situations people are put into. The first word I chose was dangerous. This was an attempt to shine a light on the horrible conditions people were stuck in. The expectations placed upon the workers to rush their jobs in both china and industrial revolution England caused people to physically and emotionally break. Because of this I chose the word breakable to define the workers in factories. Supervisors see these people almost as machines and work them to their limits, forgetting that they can in fact break. When I was thinking of the treatment of workers, the word horrifying came to mind. And further than the workers it also relates to this word because of the pollution and how it affects not just people who work in the factories but everyone. The word destruction was meant to represent the effects on the environment, which is continuing to deteriorate and also was back during the industrial revolution as well. Lastly I decided to use the adjective, powerful. This is meant to represent the whole process. The factory owners are the ones with the power, when you look at Chinese factories one can see that they rule with an iron fist. I believe that my adjectives shine a light on how people are treated in times of industrialization
Paragraph about the future:
In the future, I believe that conditions will worsen through multiple aspects. The factories are in high demand and because of this they will continue to grow and so will the problems with pollution and effect on the environment. These things will further impact China, hurting the people and wildlife. As owners of factories continue to get away with bad treatment of people, they will become worse because they will not get punished for their actions. This will probably lead to some sort of revolt by the workers, leaving a lot of people without jobs. If problems continue to the point where factories have to shut down, the economy in China will be greatly impacted as well as the different industries, which they supply to.
Bilton, Richard. "Apple 'failing to Protect Chinese Factory Workers'" BBC News. N.p., 18 Dec. 2014. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.
"Child Labor in Factories During the Industrial Revolution." Child Labor in Factories During the Industrial Revolution. N.p., 2002. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.
"Factories During Industrial Revolution - Conditions & Growth." Industrial Revolution. N.p., 2010. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.
"How China Is Screwing Over Its Poisoned Factory Workers." Wired. Conde Nast, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.
Stevens, Andrew. "Chinese Factory Owners Prepare for Trump." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.
"20+ Shocking Photos Showing How Bad Pollution In China Has Become." Bored Panda. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016. This site is kind of like blogging. I used it to get different people from chinas perspective on the pollution.
"Working and Living Conditions." The Industrial Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.