Rubaroc Bounces Like Rubber ~ Wears Like Rock
Fall 2015
Welcome to the Rubaroc Newsletter! Read on & keep up with what's happening within our company.
Message From The President
Fall is in the air.....
With colder weather upon us in Canada, outdoor Rubaroc Installations are wrapping up. On the other hand, many parts of the USA are continuing to install Rubaroc. Either way, it’s an opportune time to look for interior work. It is truly a beneficial feature that Rubaroc can be installed both indoors & outdoors. Keep in mind, it’s not too early to book a booth for home shows to prepare yourself for work in the spring. All home shows or special events booked by Rubaroc Installers are featured in the “Events” section of our website. Please be sure to notify the Rubaroc Support Team of the location & date of your home show. This months Rubaroc Newsletter offers some helpful tips & reminders to guide you through the fall season. As always, please do not hesitate to contact any of our Rubaroc Support Team Members with any questions or concerns that you may have. We are always here for you!
Rubaroc has outsourced our website to a company that we are extremely pleased with. All changes & additions are guaranteed to be completed within an allotted amount of time. In addition, we have a designated Support Team Member who is also able to make changes or additions to the website almost immediately to ensure our website is as up-to-date as possible. Our dedicated staff are always on LiveChat to ensure that any questions about Rubaroc are answered instantaneously. As many of you are aware, many leads arise from either LiveChat or our on-line submission forms. Any inquires through the on-line forms are responded to within 24 hours. In addition, if you are featured in a Rubaroc Newsletter (either by providing pictures or by being featured in the “Spotlight”), we provide the lead with the monthly Newsletter that you are featured. It is with our gratitude that we do this to promote you in an effective way. In return, our clients have shown appreciation for our direct contact & our prompt response. We all can agree that excellent customer service is high on our priority list; this value is exactly what we strive for & what most clients expect.
Don't forget to link!!!
A friendly reminder to ensure that your company's website is linked to our website, Clients who review our website have an abundant of Rubaroc information at their fingertips and neatly organized.

RubarocPro Installer in the Spotlight
Craig Gearey - Ottawa Safety Surfacing
Ottawa Safety Surfacing has been servicing the Ottawa area for over 6 years with professional & quality Rubaroc installations. Craig Gearey & his team, Tom Bagler, Mathew Gearey & Jarod Gearey have been consistently busy in their 2015 Rubaroc season. Well, they should be; their presence at home shows in the spring & fall of this year was a beneficial move. In addition, they have advertised in the Ottawa Sun twice and distributed flyers throughout the Ottawa area. Their efforts & exposure has certainly paid off. Their 2015 season was solid! Craig was communicating with head office regularly & ensured he had the necessary materials when he needed them. The entire installation team at Ottawa Safety Surfacing is particularly keen on ensuring that every installation is done with care, accuracy & a professional, quality installation that reflects their values. Craig Geary prides himself in using only the best available rubber safety surfacing, Rubaroc, combined with his top quality workmanship & excellent customer service to keep his clients content. We wish Craig & his entire team continued success!!!

Helpful Reminders
There are a variety of facilities that can greatly benefit from the safety, beauty, comfort & many other features that Rubaroc has to offer. Hotels, restaurants, offices, gyms, indoor sport courts, daycares, veterinary clinics, community centers, spas and wineries are just a few ideas.
Indoor Work - Rubaroll
We have both Rubaroc & Rubaroll for indoor applications. An email was sent out with Rubaroll information. Please check your inbox or enquire with one of our Rubaroc Support Team Members.
Rubaroll is a very simple installation that is specifically designed for gyms, offices, basements, garages, hallways & entrances. It is also skate & spike resistant which would therefore work wonderful in arenas, kennels & veterinary clinics. It is available in widths of 4, 5 or 6 feet wide & can be ordered in lengths of any whole denomination. It can be ordered in a solid black color or with either 10 or 20 percent EPDM color added. Rubaroll is a “Special Order” item, which requires a 2-3 week lead-time. We recommend placing any orders immediately to ensure it arrives when you need it.

Home Shows
Bookings for home shows are available in most areas now. It’s best to book early to ensure that you have the booth size & location, which provides optimum exposure. Be sure to notify the Rubaroc Support Team member of your booking(s) days & location to ensure it is available on the Rubaroc website.
As the installation season may be slowing down, it is a great way to run quotes & possibly offer a discount to ensure work for next year.
It would be quite beneficial to ask for testimonials from your clients to promote your Rubaroc installations. Be sure to request permission to add their testimonial to your portfolio/website including their last name prior to using it.
Please monitor your company website for piracy; other companies may claim your installation photos as their own.

Front Cover Special Feature
The front cover of the Fall Rubaroc Newsletter is provided by Dean Binette of Reddy 24/7. Dean, of Salt Lake City in Utah is on the fast track installing Rubaroc. His many, many years in construction & landscaping is gradually drifting off to focus 100% towards Rubaroc installations. Dean has a beautiful showroom in the heart of the city for interested clients to see his professional Rubaroc installations locally. His installations are done with care & attention to detail ensuring a high quality installation every time. Keep up the passion & hard work Dean! We wish you continued success!

As always, we proudly feature the work of our trained Rubaroc Installers in our Gallery. Thank you to all of our Installers for providing us with your pictures. Please continue to do so to be featured for your magnificent Rubaroc installations.

Seasons Greetings
From our family to yours, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas & a prosperous New Year 2016!

Once again, thank you to our Installers, mixers & entire crewmembers for your magnificent installations! Your effort, commitment & passion for Rubaroc is greatly appreciated!

Hope you enjoyed the Fall Rubaroc Newsletter!