Economy- Tobacco is most of the colonies money. It saved Maryland people say.
Jobs of Maryland-Tobacco, rice, indigo (dye) furs and farm products. They just farmed for jobs
The men would work on a farm. The women would work in the house. The kids would help on the farm and in the house if they were a boy or girl.
Created with images by Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "The colonies in 1660, Virginia, Maryland, and the Dutch and Swedish settlements on the Delaware showing extent and dates of settlement" • ♡ dare to share beauty - "Wye Island Ruby Road - HDR" • tpsdave - "diveevo russia church" • tejvanphotos - "Catholoic church" • sasint - "silhouette elephant kids" • sabinevanerp - "glass glass artist glass blowing" • ruffin_ready - "tobacco drying" • HerryLawford - "Harvestgate Farm"