Cairo, Eygpt culture and lifestyle


  • In Cairo, Egypt they take education formal
  • Most of the students drop out in high school or don't take collage. Instead they learn business and/or trade.
  • Most students Learn more from home than at school
  • they have a test similar to the SAT and if they score good enough they would get to go to a collage in america.


  • When the parents have a child the parents would then be referred as "Abu" for father and "Umm" for mother.
  • They believe in the Evil eye or the Devil
  • When someone dies they get buried on the same day or within three days


  • Cairo is growing in jobs that have to do with tech, in fact about 90 million people have gotten jobs to do with tech
  • sss


  • Egyptians do not eat pork so most of there meals do not consist of pork
  • In Cairo they have a late lunch and dinner
  • they serve coffee and tea heavely in Cairo
  • They have the same soft drinks as the U.S. but they have to finish it on the spot and return the bottle back to the vendor

Plates of traditional food, falafel, babaghanoush and shawarma, with flat bread, Cairo, Egypt, North Africa, Africa. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May. Accessed 13 Mar 2017.


Created with images by Tark Siala - "Cairo - Egypt"


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