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Honors Stories Connecting Honors and Community Service-Learning through current student stories. Follow along as we share stories of five Honors students and their journey of service throughout their JMU careers.

The JMU Honors College mixes students from disciplines and majors across the entire campus. It is designed to create experiences that move students to higher levels of commitment and success. It is also a sanctuary for trying out new ideas and making bold experiments that enrich all members of the JMU community with a focus on experiential learning…including service. This year as a part of Service Learning week at JMU, we will be highlighting five Honors students and sharing their stories of service and engagement. The stories shared depict the opportunities available to students from first-year to rising seniors. Enjoy learning more about Breyana, '22, Kiera, '22, Kaitlyn, '23, Collette, '23 and Sydney, '24!

Making Beautiful Connections: Health Sciences and Theatre, and Honors and Community Service-Learning

Breyana Hopkins, '22

Theatre & Health Sciences major with minors in Pre-Medicine and Honors Interdisciplinary Studies

Breyana brings together unique interests and majors as a springboard for her career. The multiple experiences she has gained through service are helping her on this journey.

Students like Breyana who are double majoring in two uniquely different fields: Health Sciences and Theatre (minors in pre-med and Honors Interdisciplinary studies) are rare gems and don’t come along often. Every once in a great while when it occurs those students create something uniquely beautiful and make JMU and their community better for it. That is exactly what Breyana wants to do. She wants to use her experience with dramaturgy (the theory and practice of dramatic composition) to strengthen the relationship between doctors and patients. Breyana has always loved learning and her long-term goal is to be a pediatrician. That need to learn and connect with others is what drew her to JMU and the Honors College. She also thought it would be a sign that if she was accepted into the Honors College and the Theatre program then she was meant to attend JMU. Indeed Breynna was accepted and has excelled in her career at JMU in the classroom and through community service.

CVPA Ambassador

Breyana’s buoyant personality and her love of helping people' is what drew her to many unique service opportunities at JMU. Her service career began as a College of Visual and Performing Arts Ambassador during her First and Sophomore years. Breyana loved helping with student auditions, CHOICES, and opening her dorm to a visiting student and showing them around campus. One of her favorite activities was doing a Twitter takeover to talk about being a CVPA student.

Orientation FROG

Additionally in her sophomore and Junior years Breyanna was a FROG, a First Year Orientation Guide. She explains that she got to experience two very different scenarios of being a FROG due to the pandemic this past year. “During my sophomore year as a FROG I literally met my group and from day one helped them move into their residence hall and get acclimated to life on campus.” She was with them from the beginning helping to calm their nerves, do ice breakers and worked to get to know the students as much as possible. However, her Junior year was a completely different experience. The students were split into different cohorts and some weren’t even with their roommates and only a few members of their hall. Even through the stresses of that, Breyanna was happy to participate both years and loved connecting with the students and even “bumping into them” around campus after their first year.

Alternative Break with Renewing Homes

"We spent a full hours 8 to rebuild the deck and fix the under skirting. What else was I going to do with my Saturday...sit in bed and watch Netflix? This was a MUCH better way to spend my time."

Then came her most impactful volunteer service experience, rebuilding a front porch. She participated with an Alternative Break that partnered with Renewing Homes in Greater Augusta. Breyana along with four other JMU students (and one builder) built the deck in 8 hours. “It was hard labor, but so rewarding because the home owner would not have been able to afford to rebuild the porch; it was a lot of fun, but hard work, and overall really rewarding. I had this moment where I realized this is what I love about service...I’m not doing this for me...I’m doing this for you.”

Alternative Break Leader for Camp Holiday Trails

That experience inspired Breyana to apply to be an Alternative Break Leader and she was accepted. In 2020 she led a group of students to assist Camp Holiday Trails with clearing a fence of invasive species” Camp Holiday Trails needed to have some work done on the road leading into the camp and this service was vital to the completion of the project. It was an aha moment for Breyana. “They needed to fix the road. We were cutting invasive species, but we were helping with something they really needed, I felt very valued for doing this.”

Experiences like this have helped Breyana to see that she has the ability to help an organization accomplish a large project or help someone feel safe in their home. She has grown so much through these experiences and says she has gained other benefits from her service. “I am better at communicating with people who are different than me, I am a better listener and I am more empathetic, which in turn will help with my future career goals.” She strongly feels that all students should volunteer. “It’s such a rewarding and valuable experience and you get to see the world in a different way. Making time for others and giving back to my community has been one of the best parts of my college experience. I am driven to help others, not for the accolades or to build my resume, but to make a difference.” With the experience and knowledge Breyana has gained she will be a fantastic pediatrician and the children and family members she serves will be so lucky to have someone so dedicated and passionate.

If you enjoyed reading about Breyana, '22 then please click now to learn more about Kiera's, '22 story. If you are interested in learning more about the JMU Honors College please follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram or visit our website. If you are interested in learning how to get involved in JMU Community Service-Learning follow them on social Facebook and Instagram or visit their website.

Story written by Tammy Steele, MPA, '22