Romulus and Remus
Romulus and Remus were mythological twin brothers who were the founders of Rome. I'll tell you something about them!

Romulus and Remus were twin brothers born by a princess named Rhea Silvia. Their father was a fierce Roman god of war, Mars. The king that lives close to the family was scared that someday the twins would over rule their dad and take his throne. So he took the boys and put them in a basket and set it beside the Tiber river. He was hoping that they would soon die.

That all had changed because the boys were found and raised by a she-wolf intill they were taken by a shepherd. Who took them home and cared for them. While the she-wolf had them in custody she had help finding them find food and protecting them. As they grew older they became natural leaders. One day Romulus and Remus was apprehended and taken to the king. Romulus and Remus got some Shepards and had the king killed. They had killed the king. When the city found out who the twins were they were crowned to be king. They turned the opportunity down because they wanted to found there own city. They left to get the perfect spot for there city.

Romulus and Remus found a spot were Rome is located today. They both liked it but wanted to place on their own spot. They had decided to wait for a god to decide where to place but they both saw something different. They both claimed they won. While Romulus began to build his wall around the Plantine hill, Remus got jealous and began to make fun of his wall. So Remus jumped over the wall to prove how easy it was to jump over it and then Romulus killed Remus.

Since Remus was dead, Romulus continued to make his wall. He founded the city on April 21 753 BC, he was king , and he named it after himself.
It is still important today because it is a myth. According to the article Parma Observer " It makes up a major part of anybody's heritage. So it fills in a big part of where they come from. According to the article "It becomes a foundation for a lot of religions that are practiced. It grabs a substructure for a bunch of cultural things that are rehearsed".
That is the story of ROMULUS AND REMUS!!!!!!!!!