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Wrecker gymnasts achieve greatness in senior day meet By Lucy Arrow '21

All photos by Lucy Arrow '21

In their final home meet of the season, seniors Chloe Ashton '21, Mia Parkes '21, Sarah Allen '21 and Jamie Hebel '21 (left to right) dominate all four gymnastics events, on March 18, their senior day.

The gymnastics center at the Westport YMCA was decked out for the seniors, covering almost every wall by the entrance. After opening the new gymnastics center in September for classes, March marks a half year of classes for all ages that have taken place.

Ashton begins her first vault of two for the night, receiving a score of 8.0.

Allen salutes after finishing her final vault, where she scored an 8.1.

Parkes twists through her vault, awarded a score of 8.15, which was the highest score amongst the seniors for the night.

Each of the seniors competed on bars, showing out for their final routines at the Westport YMCA. Hebel (top left) scored a 5.6, Ashton (top right) scored a 7.7, Parkes (bottom right) scored a 7.1 and Allen (bottom left) scored a 6.5.

While each girl competes on beam, the rest of the team sits on the tumble track and cheers the girls on. Grace Horton '22 prepares to start her beam routine, while the gymnasts watch.

Ashton prepares for her cartwheel on beam which she successfully landed. She scored a 7.1 for the routine.
While the rest of the team cheers, Parkes completes her routine and is scored a 7.5. Parkes is on level eight on the Westport YMCA gymnastics team.
Hebel hits the beginning poses in her floor routine as she steps out to compete. After her recent back injury, Hebel returned to the event for senior night and received a score of 7.4.
Allen prepares for her floor routine as she waits for the music to begin. Allen competes for level eight at the YMCA, and received a score of 8.1.
Ashton warms up for her floor routine by running through all of the tumbling passes. Ashton is on level eight and was given an 8.4 for the final senior routine of the night.

The Staples gymnasts additionally practice alongside the Norwalk gymnastics team each day, however their scores are counted separately from the points Staples receives. The Wreckers' next meet will be their FCIAC meet on March 26.
