- Climate: Tropical
- Slave Trade: North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa
- Trading systems: Salt & Gold along with others were their main trade item. Became wealthy off of trade. Silent Barter became very popular.
- Famous Leaders:
- Ghana: Tunka Manin
- Mali: Mansa Musa
- Songhai: Askia the Great
- Zimbabwe: Mwenemutapa
- Influencer:
- Ghana: Soninkes
- Mali: Sundiata
- Songhai: Sunni Ali
- Zimbabwe: Trading and Herding
- Relegion:
- Ghana: Animism, Polytheistic
- Mali: Islam
- Songhai: Islam
- Zimbabwe: Christianity
- Culture:
- Jobs:
- Farmers
- Slaves
- Traders
- Artisians
- Warriors
- Food:
- Each region had a major staple crop that formed the majority of their food. They would then add to this crop with fish, meat, and vegetables that they were able to grow or hunt where they lived. Staple foods that were grown by farmers included wheat, yams, maize, and rice.
- Clothes:
- It was so hot that they did not wear much
- On special occasions people would sometimes wear loincloths or tunics. As Islam became a more popular religion in Africa, people began to wear more clothing.
Created with images by samurai_dave - "IMG_8455" • - "Mali 207" • SqueakyMarmot - "Nswatugi Cave"