
God in the World By: Aly Daniels

God reveals himself to us in many ways including in nature. Nature often is overlooked, but is truly a gift from God.

Sunsets can help us see God’s beauty through nature every day

“All nature seems to bespeak the works of God” Boyd K. Packer. This means that we see God’s love and power through nature. Although it may not always be the most prevalent, it is there.

“Every time it rains, the soil counts every drop to know exactly how many times to thank God” Mehmet Murat

However, sometimes days can feel dark and gloomy and it is hard to see God. On these rainy days always try extra hard to find God in nature. For example, seeing animals or a rainbow can help brighten your day and remind you of God.

Rainy Days

Never forget to take time to appreciate God’s beauty and grace in nature and to pray often.

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