Walter Diemer  Inventor of bubble Gum

Walter Diemer, Was born in Philadelphia on January 8, 1904.He grew up in Philadelphia.He went to high school there.He married his first wife named Adelaide.They later had Two kids a boy an a girl.Then Walter went to work for the fleer company in 1926.The fleer company made candy and bubble gum.Walter as an accountant.He kept track of the company's money.Then the president of the fleer company was Gilbert mustin.mustin was worried because the company was not making a lot of money. He knew the people would lose there jobs.Walter an Gilbert thought it would be easier if they made there own base an not the company's.Then Gilbert started to experiment in his office an Walter office was next door an he would watch an he thought it was very interesting.But after while Gilbert thought that he should give up but Walter didn't.So then Walter he guess at the ingredients an tried many combinations.He worked a whole year he tried to make gum that would make bubble.Everytime he tried he wouldn't work so he gave it four more months then he added lay text to formula then after that he created solft gum so he blow a bubble.In December 1928 he asked the people in the factory to help him with a big batch of bubble gum so he put in 300 pounds in ingredients of flavoring it with winter green,peppermint,vanilla an cinnamon he colored with pink because that's the only color that he had.He made up so much bubble gum that the workers was afraid it would brake the mixing machine but it didn't brake it worked very well.They made a machine that cut the bubble gum in pieces an rapped the bubble gum.On December 26, 1928 Walter sent a 100 piece to the local candy store and sold each piece for 1 penny and sold it all in one afternoon it was a great success for the United States he made $1.5 million in the first year thenMany people bought it because it was cheap it tasted good and it was fun people really like chewing the gum an blowing bubbles his company had to open more factories so he could make more gum because it was such a success.He had to teach the sells man so they could show off his product.Walter became Vice President of his company then he joined the board of directors he retired in 1970 for the fleer corporation.Then later on after his retirement him an his wife Adelaide moved to ocean city New Jersey in 1986 both of there children died then in 1990 his wife Adelaide died after her death he moved to a retirement village in Lancaster Pennsylvania while there he road big tricycle as he road around he gave bubble gum to all the children at the age of 91 he married for the second time to a artist named Florence freeman Koehler Walter died on January 9, 1998 of congestive heart failure in landcaster Pennsylvania a day after his 94 birthday (Saturday night live made a joke that his body was found stuck under a movie theater seat)

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