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Being an educational institution, the biggest challenge and the responsibility lies in the fact, that we remain equipped with contemporary resources. Realizing the responsibility, we are trusted with, we have always tried to break new grounds to provide the required buoyancy to our vision. That has resulted in a number of golden feathers in the hat of our achievement. However, every laurel added to the cape of the institution is a motivation to improve further and introduce revolutionary ideas to keep up the faith invested in us.

The moment of pride for the school fraternity was to receive the acknowledgement for these efforts in the form of ‘International Pride Award 2021’ for being the Most Trusted School for Quality Education with Best Infrastructure in Delhi NCR. The ceremony was hosted in the presence of Sh. Shyam Jaju, Ex- Vice President, BJP and Ms. Mandira Bedi, Famous TV artist in a grand function at Hotel Shangrila Eros, New Delhi.

Another feather has been added to the adorned cap of Bal Bhavan Public School, Mayur Vihar, Delhi. School’s dynamic Principal, Mr. Vividh Gupta has been conferred upon with The School Excellency Award for Leader in Excellent Academic Performance at the Education Conclave organised by EduAdvice and Udaan by Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Director National Council of Educational Research and Training - NCERT in the presence of Sh. Ramdas Athawale, Minister of State, Major Harsh Kumar, Secretary NCERT, Dr. Sachichidanand Joshi, Member Secretry, IGNCA and many other dignitaries.

The school has always worked with an aim to set in motion, innovation, instigating the young minds to explore and create beyond the books. Thus, acknowledging the institution’s exemplary contribution to the education field. The school was conferred with the title of “Innovation in Education” by Education Today. We were Ranked 6 in New Delhi and 19 Pan-India for our extraordinary efforts in the field of education.

The most recent acknowledgement to the school’s spirit of promoting online education and educational tools, came from Juana Technologies, where the school aced amongst the top 10 schools for the effective employment of Microsoft Educational platforms. Bound to the promise of contributing our share in developing an Information Intensive Society, this achievement further confirms to school’s vision and ideology.

The school was ranked India's #7, Delhi NCR's #2 & Delhi's #2 in Library & Reading Culture in the Education World Grand Jury Awards 2020-21. This award identifies with very spirit of the institution, since we believe that allowing students to exercise their perceptions is the greatest need of the day, and there is no better way to achieve the same than exposing them to world of extensive writers and readers.

Since the school believes in shaping global citizens, we have been working arduously in carving 21st Century learner skills in our students. In achieving the following target, eradicating language barriers is one of the crucial aspects and thus the school is catering to this need by exposing students to such opportunities, that can ensure the above mentioned. In context of the same, the students of the school successfully partook in the French exam (2019-2020) organized by Prayatana Education society, India. It was an experience beyond compare and it surely helped the learners to get the hold of the actual essence of the language.


Creativity is as natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment……

It was a moment of immense pride for the Team of Bal Bhavanites to be a part of India’s first ever Virtual Toy Fair. Since, our team believes that a child learns best when at ease, thus concepts embedded through play leaves an everlasting impact, germinating the very elements of creativity and innovation. And what better way to demonstrate it, but through Educational Toys. The stall set up by the team was a beautiful blend of buoyant perception and vision, demonstrating institution’s commitment to keep exploring and introducing academic revolutions.


Every year we conduct felicitation ceremony on 16th of August on the occasion of birth anniversary of school's founder chairman sir, Sh. G.C. Lagan to commend the students and inspire them to scale new heights. This year we couldn't conduct it on the scheduled day due to the prevailing situation of Covid 19. The virtual felicitation ceremony was conducted with a great pomp and show. Various talented students and teachers were felicitated with the cheques of Prize Money, Medals, certificates and trophies for their well deserved success. The school principal congratulated the young acheivers and their mentors on their excellent academic performance.

Ms.Neha Gupta (Senior Co-ordinator) receiving Certificate of Appreciation for her extra-ordinary contribution through out the session
Ms. Pooja Balodi (PGT English) receiving Certificate of Appreciation for her extra-ordinary contribution through out the session
Ms. Rivika Chauhan (PGT English) receiving Certificate of Appreciation for her extra-ordinary contribution through out the session
Ms.Sunita Negi (Office Assistant) receiving appreciation for 100% attendance in the session 2020-21
Ms.Anita (NTT) receiving appreciation for 100% attendance in the session 2020-21
Ms. Akriti Aggarwal (PGT Physical Education) receiving appreciation for their excellent academic guidance in helping students secure a perfect score of 100 in Physical Education
Ms. Alka Sharma (TGT Mathematics) receiving appreciation for their excellent academic guidance in helping students secure a perfect score of 100 in Mathematics
Ms. Akansha Gossain (PGT Economics) receiving appreciation for their excellent academic guidance in helping students secure a perfect score of 100 in Economics

Bal Bhavanites gave presentation in overseas education exchange program. The presentation was titled Assistive AR Glasses for People with Hearing Disabilities. The symposium was organised by Toyama High School, Japan.


Bal Bhavan Public School went virtual to celebrate 72nd Republic Day with great patriotic fervour on 26th January, 2021. The programme commenced with the unfurling of the tricolour by The School Director Mr. BB Gupta, The Principal Mr. Vividh Gupta accompanied by Head Mistress Mrs. Kavita Mehrotra followed by the National Anthem. There was a virtual gathering of students, teachers & parents on Facebook and YouTube channel of school. The celebration included patriotic verses dedicated to the nation, Speeches on the History and importance of Republic Day, a patriotic dance performance and a group song. The Principal in his address apprised the gathering, briefly about the making of the Indian Constitution, its unique features and the fact that all students and the younger generation need to know about the Constitution in order to understand how they have to live life in future and exhorted the parent audience, to give time to their children & talk to them about the Constitution channelizing their tender minds towards what is right and ethical. He apprised parents about the fact that the school is taking initiative to acquaint and enlighten students about the Constitution and its details in a staggering way.


सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि। विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा”॥

Mother Goddess Saraswati is professed as the supreme power of knowledge, music, learning, wisdom and the one who remarked and regenerated the Universe.

On this auspicious day of Vasant Panchami, the Bal Bhavanites worshipped to get showers of blessings by the divine power, goddess Saraswati and to welcome the arrival of spring through a virtual celebration conducted by the students of Primary and middle wing.

The zealous vibrancy and spirit was beholded and inculcated among the students through this virtual morning assemby.


Take risks in your life . If you win, you can lead , if you lose you can still guide !

Every year on 12th of January we celebrate the birth of Swami Vivekananda. This year students of class IX-F presented a virtual assembly on Swami Vivekananda Jayanti with great enthusiasm!! The programme was intended to instil positive attitude, discipline and develop the creative as well as innovative potential of young minds.

“ The symbol of new beginning”

"The chill of winter is over, Spring is not far away."

Happy Lohri!

Virtual Lohri was celebrated with exuberance and fanfare on 13th January 2021. The mood was upbeat, and the children actively immersed in the festive spirit. Our little ones of the preprimary were told about the significance of the festival. Lohri is an extremely popular festival celebrated in the north of India. It is a harvest festival which also marks the end of chilling winter cold. Moreover, the students of

class 1-G and III-C, presented assembly on Lohri, showing the colour and festivity of the occasion. The theme of the presentation was “रौनका लोहड़ी दियाां”

The assembly enlightened everyone about the legend behind Lohri, the way it is celebrated in North India and its significance. The traditional folk song of Lohri was sung by the student named Aarav Hurria with dhol beats. Students dressing up in Punjabi attire and performing Bhangra on Punjabi song stole the attention of everyone. A virtual party was organised, where Folk songs were played to make the mood and children joined rhythm on dhol beats! They also relished Peanuts, popcorn and gajak with their friends.


बाल भवन पब्लिक स्कूल के तीसरी कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों ने "मकर संक्रांति " के अवसर पर वर्चुअल प्रार्थना सभा प्रस्तुत की। जिसमे छात्रों ने मकर संक्रांति को उसके सांस्कृतिक और वैज्ञानिक महत्त्व के साथ साथ उसे प्रकृति से भी जोड़ने का प्रयास किया।

छात्रों ने मकर संक्रांति को पंजाब में लोहड़ी , तमिलनाडु में पोंगल , आसाम में बिहू और गुजरात में उत्तरायण के द्वारा जोड़ने का प्रयास किया । इसी के साथ छात्रों ने आसाम के बीहू , गुजरात की पतंगबाजी और पोंगल के चारो दिन का महत्त्व जैसे भोगी पोंगल , सूर्य पोंगल , मट्टू पोंगल और कन्या पोंगल के महत्त्व का भी व्याख्यान किया। तथा वहाँ की संस्कृति और उत्साह को वीडियो के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया। अंत में, छात्रों ने सन्देश दिया कि मकर संक्रांति न केवल भारत राष्ट्र का बल्कि सम्पूर्ण मानवता का उत्सव है। विश्व बंधुत्व , विश्व कल्याण और सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः की उदात्त भावना केवल भारतीय संस्कृति की विशेषता है। छात्रों का उत्साह और जोश प्रसंशनीय था।


Netaji, a fierce nationalist, whose defiant patriotism made him one of the greatest freedom fighters in Indian history.

To celebrate his true spirit, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti was celebrated with great fervour and enthusiasm by the students of primary wing. The morning assembly started with the prayer followed by the introduction of the topic by the narrators. Following this, two students elaborated about the life and achievements of Netaji and formation of Indian National Army (INA) by him. A student portraying the character of Netaji presented a short role play where he was addressing the Comrades of the INA. He even chanted the famous slogan of Netaji,” Tum mujhe khoon do main tumhe azadi dunga”. It was indeed a spine-chilling experience to hear those words.

Following this some of the students explained about the different places where Netaji’s birth anniversary is celebrated, namely, The Netaji Bhawan, INA museum, Swatantra Senani Museum etc.

A dance performance to show the ideology of Netaji while he was building the Indian National Army was presented by the students.

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose is an unforgettable national hero who had tremendous love for his country. And as he said, “We should have one desire today. The desire to die so that India may live,” this great personality actually sacrificed his whole life for the country.


Bal Bhavan Public School imbibe great values in children, so that they become ambassadors of these values as they grow to be responsible citizens of the country. Keeping this in mind, morning assembly was conducted by the students of class IV-A on the topic- Martyr’s day. Many students enthusiastically participated in the assembly to pay homage to the victims who fought for the freedom, welfare and progress of India.

Martyr’s Day marks the death anniversary of the father of nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. Students explained the life story of Mahatma Gandhi emphasising on various movements. They took everyone by surprise by explaining the teachings of Gandhiji that provide valuable lessons of life and thus relating it to the project started by our school-Mai Bhi Gandhi. Followed by the teachings, a video of some unknown facts of Mahatma Gandhi was shown. Besides providing information on Mahatma Gandhi, the students also briefed about the other Martyrs who have contributed for freedom struggle.

बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ

बाल भवन पब्लिक स्कूल की कक्षा पाँचवी ऍफ़ के विद्यार्थियों ने ‘बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ’ विषय पर अपनी प्रार्थना सभा का आयोजन किया l जिसमें छात्रों ने यह बताया कि हमारे प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने बेटियों के हालात को सुधारने के लिए 22 जनवरी 2015 में ‘बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ’ योजना का आरंभ किया l

छात्रों ने ‘बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ’ के माध्यम से बेटियों को अधिक से अधिक शिक्षित करने पर ज़ोर दिया तथा उससे संबंधित कुछ मुख्य बातें भी बताई l छात्रों ने रोलप्ले के माध्यम से हम सबको भारत की उन महिलाओं से मिलवाया जिन्होंने अपनी योग्यता से भारत का नाम देश में ही नहीं विदेश में भी रोशन किया जैसे- पी.वी सिंधु, कल्पना चावला, किरण बेदी, शकुंतला देवी आदि l

छात्रों ने प्रार्थना सभा के द्वारा सभी को यह संदेश दिया कि हमारे देश के लिए यह एक बेहद ही आवश्यक योजना है और हमें बेटियों का मूल्य समझना चाहिए तथा उन्हें अधिक से अधिक शिक्षित करना चाहिए l


A community needs many people to help it to function well and make the world a better place to live. Educating students about the community helpers and the kind of roles they play in our daily lives, is highly important. Indeed, they remind us of how inter-connected we all are when we live in a community.

With an aim of stimulating the students’ imagination and enhancing their social development skills, students of primary wing celebrated ‘Community Helpers Day’. The celebration began with a morning assembly presented by tiny tots of Nursery-E wherein they were dressed as a doctor, nurse, fire-fighter, policeman, teacher, baker, etc. to act out behaviours of respective community helpers and display their contribution in our society. The tiny tots of BBPS collaborated in teams to reflect upon human’s need of Community Helpers and importance of their services, while showing gratitude and respect towards them.


Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners”.

Our courteous conduct creates a memorable image in the mind of everyone around us. A well-behaved person interacts politely with others as his main motive is to receive respect. Greeting acquaintances in a favourable manner and listening to them patiently is a symbol of a well-mannered person. These are the endeavours to achieve solidarity in our community.

The children entrusted to us are like seeds that need nourishment of values and education.

As part of our continuous endeavour to achieve the development of our children a morning assembly was conducted by the students of Class- KG-C

The assembly aimed at sensitizing the children about the importance of good manners. Students performed a skit depicting different scenes with the moral messages. A beautiful choreography and song was presented by little kids. This assembly stressed on the importance of using magic words such as please, sorry, thank you and excuse me.


“Intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when body is healthy and strong.”

Sports and games play a very important role in maintaining good physical and mental health. Traditional games of India are of great importance. They have so designed that they enhance overall skills of players. Students of class II B showed the importance of traditional games of India through the videos and their thoughts. A beautiful poem was recited by the student on traditional games. Students described the rules and procedures of some games like Gilli Danda, Gutte, Ludo, Blind man’s Buff, Spinning Top, Hopscotch, Seven Stones etc


The celebration of the seasonal festivals is an enriching part of the school’s cultural and community life. Through art, music, story and poetry, the children are helped to identify and recognise the changing rhythms of the earth.

This in turn builds and encourages a stronger connection with nature and the cosmos. Keeping the need in mind ‘The Spring Festival’ is celebrated with colour and dancing. This cheerful event sees the children of Class II-C discussing about flowers found in different states of our country and about Mughal Garden whose beauty is the identity of blossom of flowers. It gives the primary children an opportunity to share their recorder playing with the whole school community as they danced and shared the importance of preserving nature. They were also encouraged to grow trees in their locality and nurture them well for a ‘Greener Tomorrow’.




Gliding Northern Shoveler.....
Eurasian Teal enjoying the sunrise.....
Eurasian Teal flying away after having a quarrel with a Northern Shoveler.
Beautiful wing show of a Eurasian Teal.....

The session 2020-21 has finally concluded with positive hopes of everyone's wellbeing. With this concluding edition of school connect for year 2020 we congratulate and thank all our readers for their support and participation in the publishing of this virtual series of newspaper and once again heading forward with yet another beautiful year we announce the series of school connect session 2021 -22...hope all our readers would once again be active and enthusiastic in participating in this series. Kindly send in your entries to

Ms. Neha Gupta

(Head Senior Wing)


CONTENT CONTRIBUTION BY: Ms. Rivika Chauhan (PGT English), Ms. Rashmi Rajput (TGT English)

DESIGNED BY: Ms.Gauri Bharati (TGT Computer Science)

Created By
Bal Bhavan Public School Mayur Vihar Phase II Delhi