Your Easy Guide to World War 2 By Abbie Gresty and Michael Ellam

How the Second World War began

Our new leader Adolf Hitler led our country to an invasion on Poland. In other words Germany attacked Poland and the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, declared war on our country. The Fura was a nickname for Adolf Hitler and he believes in prosecuting Jews, Gays, Communists and Catholics and without hesitation we as a country decided to follow his godly ways. These people were sent to where they belong in Concentration camps like Auschwitz.

In the war, we used many smart weapons and ways of winning. Like with U-bombs or Enigma.

Why did he prosecute the Jews?

What did they do wrong?

Why was he elected?

What were the concentration camps like?

How did the allies win?

Created By
Michael Ellam
Created with images by Vasnic64 - "Anonymes WW2 Europe - Prisonnier pris en charge par FFI Français ou Nueves Républicains Espagnol , été 44 , Bataille de Paris - German prisoner carried away by FFI or Nueves" • TRF_Mr_Hyde - "Adolf Hitler was chosen Time Magazine's 1938 Man of the Year."

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