Amy Carmichael 30 By:Addie griffin

Ch.1-3 Amy's childhood. When Amy was a child she prayed for blue eyes but,she had brown eyes. Amy was always on an adventure.

Ch.4-6 Amy's teen years. When Amy was a teen she went to a boarding school. A guest speaker came to the school and Amy became to know Christ.

Ch.7-9 Japan.When Amy was in Japan She got to share Jesus with the people. She later got sick and had to leave.

Ch.10-11 Amy's first years in India. Amy was teaching and someone asked about her clothes.She led a bible study group for kids..

Ch.12-15 Amy's ministry in the villages. She preached to people on the street. She held a bible study for kids.

Ch.16-17 Arulai. Amy found Arulai because she ran away from the temple. Arulai gets very sick and it's a miracle she lives.

Ch.18-20 The beginning of Dohnavur. Dohnavur is a mission where they help kids. The mission teaches kids about Jesus.

Ch.21-26 Ministry at Dohnavur. Ponammal,Mr.Walker,and Amy's mother all died. Even this happened Amy continued the ministry.

Epilogue. Amy's homecoming. Amy fell and got stuck in bed for 20 years. When she was sleeping God took her home.