
Preaward Newsletter 14 September 2022

Upcoming Calls

Interreg Europe 2021-2027

The Cooperation Program document of the program has been approved. It promotes cooperation between Member States and regions within the EU and third countries, partner countries, other territories, overseas territories or regional integration and cooperation organizations. +info

Work Programme ERC 2023 has been published


First call under CETPartnership for clean energy transition

The CETPartnership aims to fund projects that develop applicative solutions and provide results for the clean energy transition. +info

Water4All 2022 Joint Transnational Call Announcement

“Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management tools”. +info

Upcoming National Calls

The updated schedule for the opening and evaluation of ongoing and upcoming calls by AEI can be found in this link


Here the list of the webinars we have identified as interesting for you. Click below for more information and registration

Submitted proposals

  • Twin4EcoPorts: Gemelo digital para la descarbonización y mejora de la sostenibilidad de entornos portuarios mediante la monitorización en tiempo real de las emisiones GEIs y otros impactos ambientales, 2022. PORTS 2022. PI: S. Saurí
  • ILURBEDIA: Creación de una plataforma que fomente el turismo cultural y natural, material e inmaterial, en zonas afectadas por el reto demográfico, 2022. Proyectos innovadores para la transformación territorial. PI: P. Arnau
  • CHIEWAEF: CHIEWAEF (CHile España WAter EFficiency), 2022. AL-INVEST Verde. Componente 1 (2022). PI: P. Arnau
  • OPTIREP: Millores tecnològiques per optimitzar els processos de conformat metàl·lic per repulsat. 2022. Nuclis d'R+D empresarial (2022). PI: O. Fruitós
  • LAIF: Un nuevo concepto basado en técnicas de visión por computador para salvar vidas en situaciones de riesgo de ahogamiento, 2022. Nuclis d'R+D empresarial (2022). PI: A. Priegue
  • PRyS: Modelo Predictivo de Riesgos y Seguros, 2022. Nuclis d'R+D empresarial (2022). PI: A. Priegue
  • CIVICS: inClusIVe & collaborative urban last-mile logistICS, 2022. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02. PI: S. Saurí
  • PortDIA: Open Port Digital Twin for sustainable and efficient Transport, 2022. PI: S. Saurí
  • DEDALUS: Data-driven Residential Energy Carrier-agnostic Demand Response Tools and Multi-value Services, 2022. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01. PI: J. Cipriano
  • STIMULI: SusTaInable sMarter bUiLdIngs, 2022. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01. PI: J. Cipriano

Support Guide for evaluating the "DNSH" principle

COTEC has published a useful Guide for filling the "Do Not Significant Harm" part of project proposals. It is available in this link.

We would love to hear your comments and suggestions!

Contact us at preaward@cimne.upc.edu

If you like it click the "Appreciate" button below



Creado con imágenes de adrian_ilie825 - "Renewable energy concept with solar panels and wind turbines on green field" • onephoto - "WEBINAR" • sakulich - "copper metal modern"