“Learn from yesterday, Live for Today and Hope for tomorrow” ….
The resilience and perseverance of mankind can tread paths out of impossible, for every adversity is an opportunity in disguise. Thus, setting a unique and courageous example of the same, team of Bal Bhavan welcomed its students (classes X and XII) back to the school. After the announcement of Directorate of Education, Delhi, that allowed the abovesaid classes to the institutions, we had no time to spare. A series of warlike preparation were set on course, charting out blueprints that left no stone unturned in ensuring the safety of the school. The whole premise was remodelled and refurbished in order to meet the needs of the “New Normal”. In context of the infrastructure, from Thermal Scanners, facilitating automated attendance (along with the in-time temperature), dividing the main staircases to avoid the traffic while moving to or from the classrooms, permanent partition in the Computer Lab, designated working spots in Physics and Chemist and Biology Laboratories to sensor-driven hand sanitizers in every corner of the school, our arrangements spoke for themselves. Remodelling the interior however, was a tedious and smart task, in comparison to building from scratch, thus ideas such as Corridor partition, sensor-based taps, soap dispenser and hand dryers, state-of-the-art medical facility in form of an isolation room supplied with Oxy Meter, BP Monitoring Machine, PPE Kits. We also took in the loop, our admin department, with designated spots to stand in the reception area, guided seating, acrylic partitions on discussion tables, we tried to cover every measure, possible, in the given circumstance.
Student’s arrival to the school was a sight worth being captured in the golden pages of the history of the school, as the efforts took its true shape, when we saw the safe arrival, stay and departure of our students. Their apprehensions subsiding brought a wave of relief to the administration of the school. This planning was the result of those seeds of vision, which were being cradled in the lap of hope the entire year which left us perplexed. We hope that this journey continues to cross every milestone with flying colours.
As an advocate of a buoyant approach, we have always encouraged the culture of innovation and imagination, triggering the 21st Century Learner values amongst our students, facilitating them both infrastructural facilities and mentorship. A cognizance of these efforts came from TopGallant Media (in asso. With India News and Taurus) in the form of ATAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2020 for being the most trusted school for Academic Excellence. Alongside the school was also recognized by Education World Grand Jury Award 2020-21 for being ranked India’s no.7, Delhi NCR’S no. 2 and Delhi’s no.2 in nurturing and promoting Library & Reading Culture.
It is a matter of immense pride that Bal Bhavan Public School, Mayur Vihar, Delhi has made its mark in the list of Indian Leadership Awards 2021 in " Best public School with Academic Excellence" in Delhi by Worldwide Achievers.
As a team, when we aspire for excellence, then success id for sure to follow. The arduous efforts of our team has donned upon the golden cape of achievements, yet another crystal. Our institution has been recognized as “School of Excellence” with a 5 star rating by the prominent Educator magazine, Touch Education in collaboration with CED Foundation, acknowledging our quality work and contribution in the field of education.
Bal Bhavan Public School is proud to announce that our Principal Mr. Vividh Gupta is recognised by Science Olympiad Foundation with the SOF BEST PRINCIPAL AWARD for his leadership qualities and path breaking initiatives and efforts for the cause of education.
We take immense pleasure in announcing that our school teacher Ms. Harpreet Kaur Verma, PGT I.P. and H.O.D. Computer department is conferred upon with I.T. GURU AWARD in the category ICT FACILITATOR by Edunext technologies. Adding more glory to the success, the extremely talented teachers of Computer Department, Ms.Jatinder Kaur (TGT Computer Science ), Ms.Gauri Bharati (TGT Computer Science ) and Mr. Sumit Deewan (IT Assistant) have also been felicitated at the ceremony with appreciation certificate for their contribution in the education feild. Our educators are indeed the embodiment of a famous saying; "An innovative teacher encourages minds to think and create."
“Open the Gift of Happiness ,Love this Christmas And Share them with the others”
Christmas is the festival which inspires the spirit of sharing and caring. Soaking in the spirit of Christmas, tiny tots of Bal Bhavan Public School celebrated the festival with enthusiasm on December 26, 2020, Saturday.
Every year, we celebrate it in a unique way. Due to COVID-19 outbreak, this year we celebrated it through a virtual event “Joy of Giving” wherein students of class Nur – V enjoyed the festive spirit.
As it is said by Will Ferrell, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” The students participated in the singing of Christmas carols and danced beautifully showcasing their talent and thus welcoming New year.
The significance of the festival was explained to the students through the Christmas story. To inculcate the spirit of sharing, motivational video of our school were played wherein blankets and other useful stuff were distributed to the needy. The students were all excited for the celebration. They were happy to attend the online celebration in coloured clothes. The celebration ended with a speech by Principal sir.
Bal Bhavan Public School believes that Tree Plantation is one of the best activities for making the planet greener, livelier, and healthier. Planted trees help our biodiversity, ensure the supply of oxygen for the next generations, and provide us with various resources. To propel this nobel idea the school Principal along with staff members and National Training Commissioner HSG India, Mr. Rahul Kumar, Planted trees in the school garden and emphasized that the "Key to a greener planet is in our hands"
As a nation-wide movement, “The Fit India Campaign”, mentored under the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi Ji has set a clear target of achieving a Healthy India. Since Bal Bhavan has incorporated Physical Fitness and wellbeing as part of the school core culture, as an institution, we have launched a plethora of activities, blending the principles of physical fitness with student’s daily routine and lives. We have been working arduously in the direction of setting a healthy lifestyle as a vital goal and thus promoting and facilitating a skilled and suitable environment for the same.
Our team have been organizing early morning Virtual Fitness Sessions, where a range of activities, from yoga to meditation to physical exercises have been incorporated as part of student’s Virtual Routine. Regular webinars in order to supply expert expertise and queries in case, if any are also being taken up at regular intervals. “Cyclathon”, which was yet another engaging event, peddled the zeal of undefeated spirit. With an aim to propagate this initiative to a wider level, our team also came up with events such as “Fit India Freedom Run”, infusing the sportsman spirit amongst our teachers as well as the students.
Taking a further leap in the direction, the school organized week end sports sessions for the teachers, helping them to cope up the stress and maintain a healthy life style, being the mentors.
A special fitness session, organized for the parents, was a spectacle worth sight, for when the spirit of this initiative came to life.
This winter, Bal Bhavanites *Spread the Warmth, where we provided quality warm blankets to the underprivileged living in the open on the streets. There is no better gift than providing warm clothing to the needy during winter season. Lakhs of homeless experience bitterness of winter and are at a great risk of suffering from severe illnesses. The rise in air pollution levels and the early onset of winter this year have made them vulnerable, but at the same time it has given us an opportunity to serve humanity by donating blankets to the needy. As we believe that there cannot be a bigger satisfaction than saving someone’s life.
Our school celebrated Mathematics week for the Classes VI-XII to promote and instil interest and love for Mathematics amongst students.
We stayed home, maintained social distancing, and marked the day virtually wherein all the participants looked enthusiastic while participating in an array of learning activities like- Mathletics, Conceptual Learning using Story Telling, GROUP THE COLOUR, Requirements of Mathematics in real life applications and Skit.
Our trainer was Mathews K Thomas, who is a versatile individual in many fields. He has been a Mathematics teacher in Don Bosco School Alaknanda, New Delhi for the past 25 years and a master trainer with the NCERT and a moderator with CBSE. He is an Educational consultant for INDIA TODAY, Zee NEWS, career launcher and Aaj Tak and was Editorial coordinator of "Education Trendz", a magazine by Angel international.
He has conducted more than 100 workshops for educators and students across the country on various topics ranging from art integration, application of Mathematics, innovative teaching methods, experiential learning, happiness curriculum, life skills, classroom management, NEP etc. He is also an author of the highly acclaimed bestseller books like "Redefining Education-vision for a new India " that has been a very popular book, Gaming with Mathematics; which integrates games and real life applications of mathematics.
The entire week was truly mesmerising and there were may takeaways for both students and educators.
“Anger doesn’t solve anything! It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything!”
Class V E tried to sensitize everyone about the drawback of anger and presented their morning assembly on the topic “Anger Free Zone.” Assembly started with the morning prayer to get the blessings from the almighty. Then, a question was asked from everyone if they get angry. The answer was assumed yes because that is the fact. After that one of the student told everyone what anger is & how it can harm everyone. Students also highlighted upon the aspects of getting rid of it by performing various asanas like Sahaj pranayama, Matsyasana, Sarvangasana etc. Through a story of Lord Budha a clear message was given to them that angriness can only harm ourselves not others. The graceful dance performance showcasing one negative emotion and removing happiness from one’s live stole the show and made students realize that they should create an Anger free zone for our holistic growth as one negative emotion can also lead us towards the depression, fear, anxiety etc.
Energy conservation emphasises on the judicious use of energy to minimise wastage and to save sources for the future. It also advocates the importance of non-renewable resources which is the need of an hour. Therefore “National Energy Conservation Day” was celebrated by the students of primary wing in the morning assembly which started with the introduction of conservation of energy along with it’s objectives. The highlight of the event was a panel discussion by the students wherein they focused on how to make people cognizant of the mindful consumption of energy, ways to achieve conservation and how it otherwise can lead to climate change and global warming this was followed by a video depicting as of today most of the energy is generated from coal powder power plants which pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases in the atmosphere and how these toxic gases are just not only harmful to the environment but also causing serious health concerns for humans and animals. Resources that are available to us today should be used economically to conserve them for future use since they are limited and will expire one day is the message given to the students. The assembly then concluded with the thought that we have a responsibility in hand to conserve and save energy as much as we can to make it available in future.
A morning assembly on the topic of “Paralympics - The spirit in motion” was conducted by the students of Class V which was a tribute to the Paralympic athletes around the world who have made their country proud despite of their disability.
The assembly started with the prayer followed by some encouraging thoughts presented by the students. This was followed by an introduction of the Paralympics tournament which is an international event held right after the Olympics. The fact that the tournament could not be held in 2020 due to Covid 19 was also highlighted. The students also explained about the history of Paralympics and its significance in the field of sports.
The assembly was then concluded with the motivational words of the class teacher stating the quote “When you don’t give up, you do not fail.”
“Sikkim: Where nature smiles”
Sikkim, a hilly abode of the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Nepalese in northeast India, celebrates its rich cultural heritage throughout the year. The celebration of Sikkim festivals blurs the line of socio-religious distinction between the three different communities. Thus, to highlight the uniqueness of the Sikkimese life and culture. A virtual assembly was conducted by the students of Vth D on Friday, 18th of Dec 2020. Students presented different art and dance forms. Zeeshan Sharma also sang song of Sikkim tradition, Tisha Negi informed us important words of Nepali language, Yuvraj Saklani showed us the live highest mountain of India.
The students also sensitized everyone about the state, which is the only brother of seven sisters, state which is small yet beautiful, the first fully organic farming state in India.
सुशासन दिवस
"निर्णय लेने में लगा समय ही सुशासन का है सार। यही है विस्तार का स्रोत और आत्म रक्षा का आधार।।"
बाल भवन पब्लिक स्कूल के चौथी कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों ने ‘सुशासन दिवस’ पर अपनी प्रार्थना सभा प्रस्तुत की। जिसमें छात्रों ने यह बताया कि भारत सरकार द्वारा हमारे भूतपूर्व प्रधानमंत्री ‘अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी’ के जन्म दिवस के सुअवसर पर उन्हें आदर और सम्मान देने के लिए 25 दिसंबर 2014 से ‘सुशासन दिवस’ अर्थात ‘गुड गवर्नेंस डे’ के रूप में मनाया जाता है।
चौथी ‘स’ के छात्रों ने ‘सुशासन दिवस’ मनाने के उद्देश्य बताए साथ ही यह भी बताया कि इस दिन स्कूल व कॉलेज के विद्यार्थियों के लिए विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताएँ जैसे ग्रुप डिस्कशन, निबंध लेखन, चित्रकला और विभिन्न खेल आदि आयोजित किए जाते हैं और साल 2014 में सरकारी कार्यालयों में लोगों को अपने कार्यो के प्रति जागरूक करने के उद्देश्य से इस दिन एक कार्यकारी दिवस होने की घोषणा की गई।
छात्रों को सुशासन दिवस से संबंधित वीडियो दिखाई गई तथा कक्षा तीसरी से पाँचवीं के छात्रों के लिए प्रश्नोत्तरी भी तैयार की गई थी। ताकि सभी छात्रों को सुशासन दिवस की पूर्ण जानकारी मिल सके।
Himank giri of Class IX participated in the Hindi essay writing competition on Child Labour organised by Smile Foundation and secured the II Position
Dear Readers,
Year 2021 has brought with it another transition, as we reopen the school gates for the students once again after 10 months, we are hopeful and optimistic that the year is going to be prosperous for all. As we embark our journey in the new year, we are much pleased to have received numerous laurels from different organisations. Thus, keeping our promise to make a difference and shine bright.
While you read through this edition of e-School Connect, we are sure that you would find relevant details about reopening of the school. We have been very careful in planning the reopening of school for our beloved students and are hopeful to see other students in school soon. But, at the same time it is of utmost importance that we follow all safety precautions and ensure that we always maintain social distancing protocol when in public.
We wish that while you read through the e-school connect, you share your feelings about “Reopening of the school post pandemic and how we can make you feel safer at school?” We will publish your views and opinions in our next edition under the section GenX Speaks. Please send your entries latest by 2nd Feb 2021 at
We seek your appreciation in our endeavours. If you liked this edition please press the ‘Appreciate Icon’ and let us know. We look forward for your continued motivation.
Ms. Neha Gupta
Senior Coordinator
CONTENT CONTRIBUTION BY: Ms.Rivika Chauhan (PGT English), Ms.Deepakshi Khanna (TGT English) , Ms.Rashmi Rajput (TGT English)
DESIGNED BY: Ms.Gauri Bharati (TGT Computer Science)