Mario Capecchi Molecular geneticist

Common Life

  • Born on October 6th, 1937 in Verona, Italy
  • At 4 years old, he was an orphaned child living in the streets because his mom got captured in Germany during World War II
  • Immigrated to the U.S. when he was 9 years old with his mom
  • Went to Antioch College to get Bachelor of Science
  • At first he wanted to major in political science, but changed to physical science and then to chemistry and physics
  • Attended Harvard Medical school and graduated in 1967 with a Doctoral degreee in biophysics
  • His thesis work was under James Watson about the initiation of protien synthesis and mechanisms of protien termination
  • He's still alive!
  • Currently a Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Utah


  • His mother, Lucy Ramberg, was a poet and his father, Luciano Capecci was an officer in the Italian Airforce
  • They had a passionate love affair but his mother would not marry his father
  • His aunt and uncle taught him values and English once he got to America to live with them
  • His wife is named Laurie Fraser and they have a daughter together named Misha
  • Laurie and Mario live in Utah and their daughter is graduating college this year


  • Contributions in understanding genetics and gene expression
  • Established a method to inactivate target genes in mice and successfully breed "knock out" mice to study gene function
  • Method still used today and its application has benefited many other areas of science
  • Worked out mechanisms of chain termination in protien synthesis and methods for gene replacement
  • Inserted mutated DNA into animal cells through the process of homologous recombination


  • Member of National Academy of Science (1991) and the European Acacemy of Sciences (2002)
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb award for Distinguished Achievement in Nueroscience Research (1992)
  • Kyoto Prize in Basic Science (1996)
  • The National Medal of Science (2001)
  • Nobel Peace Prize in Physiology and Medicine (2007)
  • There's so many more that aren't named here!

Sources Cited

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