A visual story about XIU NIANG and the changes that I consider crucial for the brand.

The brand needs to have a story behind it, to share something with the costumer and create feelings that will connect both sides. This could be succeed with the use of elements that we find in the Chinese tradition, such as floral patterns combined with a communication platform such as postal cardsletters and stamps.

Postal cards with flower prints.
Letters and stamps
White & blue floral traditional Chinese patterns

A new approach on the decoration of the window displays can give a new style to the brand but also a push to its sales.

Use of fans to create a kinetic result
Create the aesthetic of a wardrobe that will help costumers imagine of a complete style and also promote items that are less popular.
Use the same patterns and furniture inside and at the windows of the store to create a continuity between them.
Create an emotional impression using large scale products.

A logo refresh in addition with new graphic layout can help the brand's icon and boost its marketing management.

The red color that has the XIU NIANG logo is very strong and it is usually used for brands that represent a more active and casual way of life.
On the other hand, brands which represent a more luxury and smart lifestyle use the classic black and white as a more sophisticated solution.
This could be a new logo proposal for XIU NIANG that will fit more with the product line and the story behind the brand.
Last but not least, a new layout that could describe the collections, the trends, the faces and the philosophy of the company, always as simple as possible.

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