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First Response Initiative of Pakistan

FRIP for teachers and support staff

In pursuance of safety at home and roadsides, HPS organized a comprehensive training on Saturday 15, February-2020, for teachers and support staff with the collaboration of FRIP (First Response Initiative of Pakistan), a team of expert doctors with high spirits and sincerity with their profession and country.

The expert team of FRIP conducted an interactive training session for the teachers, training them how to give CPR to the casualty before the medical team arrives. Further, they equipped the participants on how to deal in different casualty at home or roadside following safety protocols.

Having received an extensive training about safety protocols and measures, every single teacher was given a chance to perform CPR to/on a dummy just to make sure the objectives of the training have been well achieved.

CPPL Session

Project Based learning

Team RLD- hub at HPS makes use of a variety of events to provide collaborative learning and work time for teachers. This CPPL Day was the time where our teachers learned about project-based learning.

We are delighted to share the details session for the CPPL day held in the month of February. It was tailored for the professional needs of teachers and served the purpose of improving efficiency and productivity.

Ms. Rabia Saleem, the chief technology officer of Habib Public School, shared an instructional methodology that encourages students to learn and apply knowledge and skills through an engaging experience.

Ms. Rabia Saleem, the chief technology officer of Habib Public School, shared an instructional methodology that encourages students to learn and apply knowledge and skills through an engaging experience.

Breast Cancer Awareness Session

On Saturday, 15 February 2020, a session was organized by Habib Public School for teachers, female faculty and female member of students' families. In this session, participants were briefed about the disease and its complications. Preventive measures were briefly described.

Ed- Talk Episode 5

Role of school counselor- Safety at school

As a part of continuous personal and professional development for teachers, an Ed-Talk session was facilitated by the school counsellor to address the safety concerns on campus, with a deeper focus on emotional safety, safe language, and self-care.

The goal was to empower participants to recognize and respond to various types of abuse. An activity was carried out to convey the idea of individuality and diversity, with the core objective of promoting inclusivity at workplace.

The discussion was then taken forward in terms of helping students do the same to ensure the campus remains a safe space for learning and growth. The participants engaged thoughtfully in the activities and discussions, which enabled all to view the agenda with multiple perspectives on the table. Towards the end of the session, a mindfulness activity was carried out to help reduce stress and emotional reactivity.

Picnic and bonfire

Picnics are a great stress buster for students as it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Keeping this spirit, a picnic along with a bonfire was arranged for the students of Habib Public High School on Friday,14th February 2020 at Gori farmhouse. All students proceeded with their activities of enjoyment and many were seen taking photos, happily played several games and enjoyed the activities in the game zone as well. A student also commented, "Although I have already been to this farmhouse before, the presence of friends made it feel like a new experience".

Later on, the night was aglow with a magnificent arrangement for a movie and a blazing bonfire followed by dinner and breakfast the next morning.

Movie Night

Overwhelmed by the entire event, all the students expressed their views about the importance and impact of such events which promotes balanced life and fellowship.


Al-Murtaza School visit to HPHS

On Friday, 24 January 2020 senior faculty of Al-Murtaza School and students of SSC visited Habib Public School. The purpose was to make them aware about the facilities offered by Habib Public High School.

Students and teachers were welcomed by our respected Principa and the cadet corps also presented guard of honor.

Mr. Moosir Jumani - Consultant RLD-Hub conducted an orientation session for the students in which HPHS mission, placement in renowned universities and the points that make HPHS different from other institutions were shared.

Furthermore, Section Coordinator - Mr. Tariq Iqbal presented Appreciation Certificates to high achievers of AKU-EB SSC Part-I examination 2019 of Al-Murtaza school.

Orientation Session for New Teachers – Academic Year 19-20

The team Research, Learning & Development (RLD) hub organized an orientation session on Monday December 16, 2019 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am for the new inductees (teachers) of academic year 19-20.

The objectives of the programme was to make teachers feel comfortable in their new environment, open them up, set a healthy daily routine, create bonding between the faculty members and the students, develop awareness, sensitivity and understanding of the self, people around them and society at large.

The session was facilitated by Ms. Fatima Rais (Head – AKUS & CS). 29 new teachers from all the sections attended the session.

Through the power point presentations the teachers were provided with useful information about the introduction to the school’s core values around collaboration, equity and inclusion, the ethos, aims & the strategic plan of Habib Public School.

The warm up activity done at the beginning of the session helped them to get to know each other. The participants were asked to share their 3 strengths & 3 weaknesses with the fellow members.

The Principal Ms. Shehzad also imparted the required information to new teachers and ensured her full cooperation in every aspect. She emphasized over the importance of the personal values, which include the trust, respect, innovation, team work and a deep sense of community service as essentials for a healthy work environment of the best institution.

The cores discussed were aligned with the Habib Public School’s values, workplace culture, code of conduct, institutional policies and ethos which carried the legacy of 60 years.

She also shared the ‘3 in 3’ vision as the guiding light to the teachers to progress forward to follow the strategic development plan to make Habib Public as one of the top three schools of Pakistan in three years.

The personal portfolios for every teacher were also distributed during the session and they were briefly told its importance at the end of the year, how to fill in the required areas, specially the personal & subject development plans. The year performance of every individual teacher can only be gauged through these portfolios which will be discussed in one to one meeting with the Principal at the term end.

The teachers appreciated the session as the crucial need for them to get familiar with the school environment, ethos and strategic plans.

They all ensured to be the useful addition to the HPS family by giving their best practices and taking HPS to heights.

Librarians Convention

Organized by School Association Librarians

A convention was organized by School Association Librarians where two librarians from Habib Public School participated, Maryam Mustafa from the Junior and Adeel Khatri from the Senior and CS.

The Programme was as follows:


The convention commenced with the first online speaker of School Libraries convention 2019. Ms. Mary Keeling, president, American Association of school libraries (AASL), she shared her views about future of school libraries in the age of disruption opportunities ahead.


Mr. Afnan Khan, Head of British Council Library and outreach services emphasized that innovation is the need of this demanding world. Libraries also need an innovation in design, ideas and services SCHOOL LIBRARIES CONVENTION 2019


21st century school libraries are dynamic spaces of learning. In Pakistan, there is a concrete effort and platform required to promote this understanding and create framework and programs for supporting school libraries both for public and private sectors. For this reason, School Librarian Association has been established and it conducts different professional development programmers for the librarians.

On Saturday, 21st December. Most importantly, library leaders should focus on building a common vision that will guide necessary practices and changes for innovation to be achieved.


Panel discussion was amongst the professionals specially invited for this convention.

Yasir Qazi - Radio & TV Broadcast Journalist & Writer

Malahat Kaleem Sherwani - Director, Bait Ul Hikmah Library, Hamdard University

Haseena Moin - Famous Dramatist, Playwright and Scriptwriter.

Nazma Akhtar - Educationalist & Author

Ameena Saiyid - Ex-managing Director Oxford University Press, Pakistan

Salman Asif Siddiqui - Founder & Director of Educational Resource Development Centre

Parallel Workshops were arranged and the participants were allowed to choose workshop of their own choice.

Workshops Facilitators

Using Children’s Literature for Character Education - Dr. Khawaja Mustafa & Farina Sajjad

Parents as Partners in Learning - Tazeen Nazir

Digital Storytelling & Children’s Literature - Saima Hussain

Developing & Implementing Innovative Library Programs - Afnan Khan

How Literature can help Build Scientific Thinking - Kanwal Fawad


The convention concluded by the Zambeel dramatic team who presented satirical texts penned by Urdu literature’s notable authors.

Open Day 2020

An Open Day was organised on Saturday , 11 January 2020 at Habib Public School with a purpose to familiarize students and parents about the facilities provided by HPHS. It also provided the chance to showcase various teaching pedagogies and students’ work in different learning areas.

It started with Go Green initiative of HPS in which student council members welcomed the parents by presenting them some plant-pots.

A panel of alumni also honored the event with their presence and they shared their precious experiences with the students.

College section was ablaze with activities like hockey, cricket, football and basketball, students working in the labs, students singing and giving presentations, students painting, students and teachers guiding parents across the school, a scrabble competition, students of the cadet corps in their khakis, the brass band etc.

Moreover, our college faculty created model classrooms for science and commerce and provided them guidance about their career pathways. Lastly, our respected Principal and section heads from different sections also visited the classes and appreciated the efforts of students and teachers.

Go Green initiative

Tech Specialist Dr. Khan addressing the students

Tech specialist Dr. Faisal Khan addressed the students of Habib Public School today on 6th Jan 2020. Dr. Faisal Khan earned a Masters and a Doctorate from the University of Oxford in 2013, where he also went to a Business School. Since then, he has founded Peshawar 2.0 (P2); a movement of young techies, creative and entrepreneurs who are bent on rebuilding and re-branding the City of Peshawar. The movement’s major initiatives include Basecamp; a co-working and community space, Revolt; an incubator dubbed as the “startup factory up north,” and 100s of events and workshops.

Dr. Khan has also been the founding director of the Institute of Integrative Bioscience at CECOS University where he currently leads a research group as an Assistant Professor. His work includes the ground breaking SynBio KP project funded by the Government of KP and the IGEM Peshawar teams of 2016 and 2017. Dr. Khan has won several awards in the academic circle and advises the federal and provincial governments on numerous boards and committees on education, science, technology, and innovation. While addressing the students of Habib Public School he emphasized on the importance of Team Work, and perfection in work. He also advised students to explore their talents for their future success. Students were also able to understand the importance of selecting the right course for their studies.

STEM winter retreat program

As Habib Public School has always strived to bring excellence for students so we collaborated with Pakistan Innovation Foundation and The National STEM School to conduct a three days STEM winter retreat program.

As this was an open program for entire Karachi, 40 students participated from multiple schools namely Habib Public School, Karachi Grammar School, CAS, Nixor, Roots, Generations, and PAF etc.

This program was from January 3 - 5, 2020 which had an inclusive learning experience of 36+ hours where they experienced hands on science and 21st century skills through Robotics, Aeronautics, Computer Science, Electronics and Synthetic Biology.

We also had STEM Lectures by Leading Scientists and Scholars for our students which included Dr. Faisal Khan (Biology), Mr. Mehdi Hussain (Astronomy), Dr. Nuzhat Khan (Oceanography), Dr. Syed Shabbar Raza (Physics), Mr. Imran Moinuddin (Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence), Dr. Imran Akhter (Mathematics), Dr. Athar Osama (Social Science), Mashal Waqar (Startups) and Mr. Imran Qureshi (College Apps).

Top ten Habibians who were top performers (academics and co-curricular) were selected as 'Teacher Assistants' (TA) where they got a chance to assist the faculty from LUMS and NUST.

Habibian Khizar Navaid and Habibian Ibad Nadeem were honored with Star Performance Award.

Digital Learning Capacity Building (DLCB)

Striving for excellence while taking our 3 in 3 vision forward, the ICT team at HPS had prepared yet another a thorough Digital Learning Capacity Building program - Phase III. It was held on 4th January 2020 from 9:00 am to 1:30. It was a one-day program catering to multiple digital tools that can best facilitate teaching and learning of all classes from JS to CS.

The DLCB - III had run in a carousel. We had three digital breakout sessions in total, each breakout session had three different sessions running in parallel where participants had selected one out of three of his/her own choice that best suits their classroom needs. These sessions included Youtube, podcasting, google classroom, educational blogging, kahoot, padlet, Ted-Ed, turtle diary, and powtoon.
