Smallpox Microbes

Women with smallpox

What is Smallpox?

Scientific Name -> Variola

Smallpox is a disease that had killed many people 200 years ago.

Most of the people died when catching this disease but other survive, staying with countless marks and scars in the body.

Symptoms -> Fever ๐ŸŒก and lethargy are the principal but, headache, sore thoat and vomiting are alsow common. This symptoms appear around 2 weeks after catching the virus.

Diagram of the virus

Virion Enzymes ->

Outer envelope -> they cover their protective protein capsids

Core membrane ->

DNA genome ->

Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner was a British medicine man who discover the vaccination.

He born in the 17 of May, 1749 and died in the 26 of January, 1823 with 73 years.

He worked in the Berkeley clinic.

๐Ÿ”ฌ The Discovery ๐Ÿ”ฌ

Before the conclusion most of the scientists discover passes throught this 4 steps like the vaccination discovery...

๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฎ What is cowpox? โŒ

Cowpox it's like smallpox, but is not a killer disease, people that catch it get sick for around 7 days. After 7 days they are alright!!

Most of the people that catch this disease are milkmaids...they catch this infection from the cows.

They only get scars in the hands and arms.

๐Ÿ”ŽObservation ๐Ÿ”ฌ

Edward Jenner observes that milkmaids are very beautiful because never get smallpox, only cowpox from the cows. He found It very strange...

โ”โ•Question โ‰๏ธ

But, why milkmaids never get smallpox?

*๏ธโƒฃ๐Ÿ”ฃ Hypothesis ๐Ÿ”ก๐Ÿ”„

Edward have a theory: "if you gave people a disease caught from cows, called cowpox, they would be protected from smallpox" (From Tim's doc about this)*

โš— Experiment โš—

He make the experience to prove his theory: On the 14th of May 1796, Edward Jenner gave cowpox (from a cow called Blossom) to James Phipps, an eight year old boy.

He made two cuts on the boyโ€™s arm and put in liquid from a cowpox sore that was on the hand of Sarah Nelmes, a milkmaid. Then, a few months later, he tried to give the boy smallpox. James did not catch smallpox, he had become immune.

๐Ÿ’Š Conclusion ๐Ÿ’Š

Jenner had discovered that infecting someone a disease that is not serious, protected them from the more serious one.


Bodies defences

Vaccinations and antibiotics

When you are immunised that is the same of vaccinated, the doctor gives you a small and not serious disease which protects you against a more serious disease.

The vaccine is not dangerous: it is a weak or dead form of the disease protect agrainst it.


Animals Vacinations

Vacinations its not only for humans, but for animals as well. When we have a domestical animal, we should speack with the veterinary about against what and when you should vaccine our animal.

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Sources of information

  • * - by Tim Latham

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