The National Forest of the Great Sioux Reservation- Custer or Sitting Bull? A Choice of the Many...

In these lands, should the National Forests be named for the Inspirational, Proud and Respected Chief of the Indigenous Peoples- Sitting Bull.... or for G. Custer, who came here as part of the campaign to force the Native Peoples off of their lands, in search of gold and glory?

Our country has a choice. While we cannot change the past, together we can make some history, by renaming the Custer and Black Hills Nat'l Forests to....


This proposed name change offers a strong gesture of respect and reconciliation by the citizens and government of the United States to the Indigenous Peoples of the country, and takes a bold step towards acknowledging historical events. A step that is long overdue.

The Black Hills region includes many parks and monuments, including Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower and the Badlands, Wind Cave and Spearfish Canyon, and Custer State Park, as well as the Custer and Black Hills Nat'l Forests. It is only the last two listed that would be affected by this proposal. The Black Hills will remain the Black Hills.

Created By
isaac molitch

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