
Wolf Of the Week Elyse Faler and Evelyn White

George fang

This week's feature highlights Kilbourne senior, George Fang and his impressive academic achievements as well as his experience with teaching and assistant teaching here at Kilbourne and at Linworth. In addition to attending Kilbourne, Fang is also involved in classes at The Ohio State University and Columbus State. In his interview, Fang describes how he has earned his success and what it has been like teaching other students at such a young age.

When asked about his teaching jobs, Fang elaborated on his position at Kilbourne explaining, "I'm an assistant teach for AP Computer Science A. I've been doing it for two and a half years now." He detailed, "I write some of the labs they use and help Mrs. Stohs grade some of the assignments and also just spend a lot of the time during the period helping the students out with programming concepts and getting their codes to work."

In addition to his role at Kilbourne, Fang explains his other teaching opportunity stating, "I teach a class at Linworth called Tangents on Technology. I named the course that because there are so many different fields in computer science that relate to technology and I think it's really quite a beautiful thing to have the opportunity to explore what makes a charger charge quickly or what does artificial intelligence mean. Just answering all of those very broad questions that you might have found yourself interested in before, it's really been an amazing opportunity."

Next, Fang explores how he got the opportunity to teach his own class saying, "At the beginning of the year my cross country coach, Josh Stegman, he reached out to me regarding teaching at Linworth because he is one of the head math teachers." Stegman then explained to Fang how Linworth was able to offer positions to to its students to lead the courses and then they went from there: "He gave me the opportunity over the fall and we kind of combined and worked together to make that a thing for the second semester."

Fang then talked on some of his other achievements in computer science and web design: "One of the creations I'm the most proud of from Kilbourne is the activities website which is essentially a catalog for all of the clubs and activities available at Kilbourne. One thing I noticed, especially as being part of the leadership for these clubs and activities, is that there isn't a good repository for all of this information like when do these clubs meet? Where do they meet? Who leads these clubs? Before this website was built we had a sheet of paper with the advisor's name and the club name and that was it. There was no other information. I'm really proud that people seem to be using this website, it seems to be making a difference in our community."

In the future, in terms of college, Fang says, "I'm planning to attend Swarthmore College in the fall. It's a college very close to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I hope to study Computer Science, maybe Psychology, and also maybe Environmental Science."