I do not think that Native American mascots should be allowed in schools and teams.
I think Native American mascots shouldn't be allowed because they're insulting to rthe real natives and keep the stereotype that natives are savages. For example, "The word Redskins is a terrible insult" was from an Associated Press article on Newsela. I chose this quote because the word "Redskins" is what white American settlers called the natives because of there skin color.
The mascots and logos of Native American moscots arent acurate reprentations of the natives. For example, in a Newsela article the term redskins is seen as an unkind word. I chose this quote because the word redskin is an unkind racial slurr referring to an native because of there skin color.
Created with images by France1978 - "Vintage Riddell VSR-Y Football Helmet With The Washington Redskins Team Logo, Dated July 1989"