
Class 3 Our Learning

Wow, the children have blown me away this half term. They have developed their independence skills and ability to work as part of a team and their knowledge has flourished.


We read the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and drew a story map to retell the story.

We discussed which key parts we could change and decided to change what Goldilocks would eat. We looked at using interesting adjectives to describe Daddy Bears food, Mummy Bears food and Baby Bears food.

We applied our knowledge learnt during this topic by writing a traditional tale with a difference.

Following our trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park we were able to write our first recount in year 1 because we have never wrote a recount before we first had to identify the features of a recount.

We looked at a range of literacy features including nouns, adjectives and conjunctions but the most important feature we needed to include was time openers. To help us write our final piece we talked about our trip; what day we went, what we did first, what we did next and what we did before we got on the bus to come back home.


In maths we put the numbers on a clock and learnt to tell the time to o’clock and half past. We can tell you which hand points to the hour and which hand points to the minute.

We looked at mass by using scales to measure objects. We compared the weight of different objects, identifying the heaviest and the lightest. We moved on to look at estimating. By guessing how many cubes an object would weigh and then seeing how accurate we estimated.

We have looked at capacity. We measured the capacity of different objects and compared these using greater than and less than.

We wrote our numbers to 20 in words. We read numbers both in words and numerals and found one more and one less and compared them to show our knowledge of our numbers to 20.

We finally looked at numbers to 50. We counted to 50 forwards and we tried to count to 50 backwards but we found this a little tricky.


Our topic this half term had a geography focus with an African theme. We had an amazing trip to Yorkshire Wildlife where we found out about the animals we could find in Africa.

We looked at the countries that make up the UK and named their capital cities. We labelled the 7 continents and the 5 oceans. We thoroughly enjoyed singing the continents song. We compared Kenya with Barnsley by watching a video showing a day in the life of Evangeline. Finally we wrote a postcard to Mrs Padfield from our trip to Kenya where we showed our learning from this topic.


To tie in with our geography topic and our trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park we learnt about animals in science this half term. We named animals, categories animals and labelled the features of animals.

We have also had Science Week this half term which had a growth theme. We looked at plants commonly found in the UK and we grew cress to observe it from seed to plant.


We have enjoyed moving our bodies in gymnastics this half term. We have stretched and bent our arms and legs to improve our flexibility.


We have looked at lots of different religions this half term focusing on special people in faiths. We got to ask Father at I’m questions about his role in the Christian Church.


We have looked at rules. Where there are rules, what rules there are and why it is important that we follow them.

Summer 1

I am excited for our learning for the next half term. In PE we will be developing our team work skills playing cricket and rounders. In PHSE we will be discussing money and jobs and the impact these have on our economic well-being. In Science we will be looking at plants in more detail following in from our preview in Science Week. In RE we will be discussing faiths in the community. Our topic focus is art and we will be exploring the work of Andy Warhol. In Maths we will be developing our counting skills by looking at numbers to 100. We will review previous learning on measuring, shape and place value. In Literacy we will be writing an information text and a fantasy narrative.


Created with an image by Larisa-K - "tree flowers meadow"