Bentley The Westie By: Ashlyn Little

This is the first picture I have ever taken of Bentley. He was about five weeks old.
Bentley loves to be in the water. He loves riding the waves in the kayak.
Bentley enjoys playing soccer. He can actually dribble the ball around. He loves playing soccer.
Whenever it snow ( which is not very often) Bentley amd I will hike in the woods. We also likes eating the snow.
On the weekends Bentley and I go on walks in the woods. Bentley loves to be outside, and explore.
Bentley loves the outdoors. He loves getting to explore new places, and sniffing everything.
Bentley loves coming with us everywhere. We will takehim to all the stores that allow dogs.
At the beach every morning we go on a walk. He loves getting to run, and chase crabs.
Bentley is very fond of digging. He sneaks off, and digs holes in the bushes in our yard.
This picture is from last year when we went applepicking. He's the best birthday present ever!

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