Obergefell vs. Hodges THe fight for gay right: By Samantha Healy, Iree mitchell and Anaka Mccaleb



Obergefell was a gay couple going against the relevant state agencies in Ohio to legalize gay rights. They wanted to be able to marry each other but it was illegal in Ohio they went to court and went against Hodges to legalize same-sex marriage.


Hodges was the state agency they went against. He was assigned to the case and he was against the same-sex couples.

The decision of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court refused to recognize the 14 amendment, rights to equal process and due process law. But they did legalize it in some states. They didn't see the difference between marriage between same-sex couple and opposite-sex couples. States are still fighting today to get gay marriage legalized.


How it affects us today

In 2017 same-sex marriage is legal in 37 states and the Distric of Columbia. Utah is one of those 37 states. Everyone loves someone no matter what gender. They changed they laws and made people happier being able to marry who they want.

Citations: "Obergefell v. Hodges." Oyez, https://www.oyez.org/cases/2014/14-556. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017.


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