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Staff Charter Ridgeway education trust

Excellence through Partnership

A core principle at RET is ‘Integrity’. This means that we lead ethically, demonstrate respect at all times and keep our promises. We try always to adopt the mantra of ‘listen first’. We ask questions and are curious to learn and understand more. This builds trust, enables deep and meaningful collaboration and inspires pride in our collective effort and achievements.

We aspire to be the employer of choice. We appreciate that people are our most precious resource. We invest in the continual professional development of all our staff to enable everyone to be the best possible versions of themselves. We prioritise staff wellbeing because we want morale to be high and for people to enjoy coming to work each day.

As an employee of RET:

You will be ably supported to grow and develop as a professional

  • Induction is a priority: you will be welcomed and well supported when you join us
  • Early Career Teachers benefit from the Trust’s commitment to the Early Career Framework and as a partner school in the Oxfordshire Teaching School Hub
  • RET’s Leadership DNA Framework provides access to development opportunities in your school and across the Trust supporting our deliberate approach to internal succession planning and promotion
  • We provide financial support for requests to undertake additional training and qualifications
  • We provide opportunities for you to visit other schools and for you to develop your profile outside the Trust

Your job satisfaction is important

  • Your contribution will be recognised and valued
  • Our schools are well organised and efficiently run to avoid wasting anyone’s time
  • We commit to ensuring that communication is timely and clear
  • Teams promote openness and collaboration so that we learn from each other in a positive and constructive way
  • Meetings are well organised and efficiently run
  • We recognise the impact leaders have on all colleagues; we support and develop leadership to create the best possible culture for students and staff.

Your wellbeing is important

  • Each school has a Staff Wellbeing Procedure describing how it fosters, promotes and supports your wellbeing. This includes a programme of wellbeing activities for staff throughout the year.
  • You will be recognised as an individual, as someone who has priorities outside work
  • You will be asked to complete regular wellbeing surveys, enabling the school and Trust to collect your views and act on them
  • We observe an email protocol for appropriate and professional use of email communication which is mindful of workload
  • You will have access to support through occupational health and our confidential counselling service
  • RET recognises the benefits of positive relationships with trade unions
  • RET has a policy to support emergency and special leave when you need it
  • RET is committed to ensuring equality across the Trust, and that all staff are treated fairly, in line with Trust policies and our Trust EDI Strategy

The benefits you can expect

  • You will have the opportunity to join a Defined Benefit Pension Scheme - either the Teachers’ Pension Scheme for teaching staff or the Local Government Pension scheme for support staff
  • New joiners moving from the public sector without a break in service can be reassured that RET will recognise their continuous service
  • We have Family Friendly Flagship School status and offer a number of family friendly policies and practices that support you in and beyond your workplace
  • We are committed to offering flexible working wherever we can, to support the work-home balance of our employees
  • You will have access to complimentary tea and coffee, and a welcoming and calm environment in which to take a break

As a teacher in RET

  • You will have access to excellent learning opportunities through our focus on continuing professional learning and development. We will not grade you or your lessons
  • You will be supported with student behaviour through clear policies, highly effective training and confident, supportive leadership
  • You will be supported by assessment and marking, teaching and learning and data collection policies to use your time in the most effective ways, without unnecessary workload
  • We begin from the assumption that every main scale M1-5 teacher will receive an annual pay rise and we work in a culture of transparency and ‘no surprises’ when making decisions about pay progression
  • We provide as much time as possible for departments to meet in teams by reducing staff meetings to an absolute minimum and by removing administrative tasks from team meetings
  • In our secondary schools, you will have an hour of collaborative planning in department teams every Friday afternoon from 2.15pm – 3.15pm as part of directed time.

What do we ask in return?

In return, we ask that you commit wholeheartedly to our Trust values and come to work every day ready to give of your best.

We expect all of our staff to approach challenge as opportunity and to display a can-do, solution focused mindset and the curiosity and humility to be continually learning.

As role models for children and young people, we ask that you always demonstrate the respect and care for young people to which they are fundamentally entitled.


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