Biomes claire calkins

Deciduous Forest

The summers in Deciduous Forest are usually around 70° F (21°C)

There is almost 14 (35.56cm) inches of rain in the winter and more than 18 (45.72 cm) inches in the summer.

The soil in the Deciduous Forest is comely very fertiled.

Producer: a organism that uses photosynthesis to capture energy from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to create carbohydrates

Producers: plants, deciduous trees, shrubs, grasses, and herbs


Deciduous trees:

~ in the spring trees make thin but wide leaves that capture the sun well and help with photosynthesis

~ in the fall colder temperatures and less sunlight mean it's time for the tree to change, the tree cuts of the water supply to the leaves without water and sun the leaf can't keep making green chlorophyll


~ during the early spring herbs take advantage of the time before the deciduous trees grow large and begin to filter the sun they bloom and grow quickly while they have the most sunlight


~ grasses soak up the nutrients from the ground

Herbivore: an animal that gets its energy from eating only plants

Herbivores: insects, mice, certain birds, deer, rabbits

Carnivore: an animal that gets its food from killing and eating other animals

Carnivores: bears, raccons, wolves, bob cats, weasels



~hibernate in the winter for warmth, and to shut there need for food and energy down


~hunt in to nigth time since thier vison is better for catching fod, and use their climbing skills to catch food in trees

Wolves: the wolves coats are made out of wooly fur and this provides moisture to stay locked out

Bobcats: a bob cat has sharp teeth and claws to help it hunt and catch prey, and their ears help them hear the tinest of sounds

Weasel: the weaslels avoid deep forest, sandy deserts, and open spaces, and male and female tend to not join together


~If animals habitats get destroyed then animals can die and species can go extinct

~The soil could get over watered from all the rain in the forest

Freshwater Biome, Lakes

Zones: zones in lakes are limenetic zone, littoral zone, and profundal zones

Depths: lakes have about a 1,148 feet depth range

Temperature: the temperatures in lakes are 55°F (13°C)

Producer: a organism that uses photosynthesis to capture energy from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to create carbohydrates

Producers: Iodine Bush, Salt Grass, Pickleweed, Grease-Wood, and Algae


Iodine Bush:

~Iodine Bushes adapt to its enviorment by soaking up the water from the groud

Salt Grass:

~Salt Grass has to adapt to the high amount of salinity because that's how it grows rapidly


~The Pickleweed has to adapt to the lakes because the seed has to stay close to the surface for it to be able to sprout and grow


~The colors of Algae help it adapt to its enviorment

Herbivores: an animal that gets its energy from eating only plants

Herbivores: Water Bugs, Yabbie, Shrimps, Mosquitos Larve, Animal Plankton

Carnivore: an animal that gets its food from killing and eating other animals

Carnivores: birds, flying insects, waters spiders, leech, frogs



~Some birds have to adapt to not having as many trees around so they have to make nest on the ground instead of a tree

Flying Insects:

~flying insects have to adapt to the lake because they have to go farther to find there food since there is not as many trees around lakes

Water Spiders:

~water spiders have Otto adapt to not having gills and having to breath differantly


~fish have to adapt to the differant types of temperatures and weather climate


~The cause of the shorelines, include pollution that can harm or kill animals

~is animals die then it is hard to produce more unless man made and more animals put it.


"Raccoon." Temperate Deciduous Forest. Web. 8 Novermber 2015.

"Carnivore." Encyclopedia Britannica. 5 February 2015. Web. 8 Novermber 2015.

"World Biomes." Blue Planet Biomes. Elisabeth Benders-Hyde. West Tisbury School, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, 23 September 2010. Web. 8 November 2015.

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